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About Thermywix

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  1. FWIW, I've had no problems running things so far with Ubuntu 18.04. Haven't had any libcurl messages or any segmentation faults, or anything else bad so far.
  2. If you use Ubuntu, you can install steamcmd from the default Ubuntu repositories: sudo apt update sudo apt install steamcmd Confirmed with Ubuntu 18.04. Some caveats with this right now. The Atlas server build that steamcmd downloads for Linux does not appear to have a Linux version of Redis bundled. No worries. You can install it (again, in Ubuntu,) with the following: sudo apt install redis NOTE: Further configuration of Redis is likely in order to get it to work with the ATLAS server. I haven't had time to get that far yet, so maybe somebody can pick things up from here, if they haven't already.
  3. TIP: Press E on the steering wheel of the ship next time that happens. You should be able to see the steering wheel enough to do that from that position.
  4. As the title states, as of v11.00, I can no longer load a saved tattoo during pathfinder creation. Tattoo saves that previously worked no longer work. So, I created a new save, edited it, and saved it as a PNT, and then tried to load it but get the same issue.
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