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About el_capitrucho

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  1. Same happened to me i had my sloop stocked with mats to build a schooner on M10 as well coming down from M9 and not to far from my shipyard i get swarmed by them and lose everything i had.
  2. Well that doesnt fix the issue though, the damage has already been done. We need a rollback.
  3. Yea i think they messed up on all that, also the drops in the middle of the sea, i was sailing from a freeport to the next island just south in a lawless area and found like 10 of them on the way there. Only saw the ships in the distance i think they dropped the boxes when they despawned, at least it looked like it. Right now there is no reason to even log back in. Started day 1 couldn't find land so i had everything i owned on my sloop and now thats gone.
  4. And give us a damn rollback to before this last patch was added.
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