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Everything posted by mizunami

  1. to bad sails dont work yet they done use 256? or just the fact that the template is weird if you try to use the converter
  2. so currently that converter only works for flags, but it seems to be all the colors available that ark had.
  3. wait till people set laws and set up taxation houses..then you can build on their islands etc etc the way the game was ment to be.
  4. you need to be at the claim. they cant claim it if you are there. dotn get me wrong, pve reclaiming and stealing needs to be fixed immediatly so it should never happen, that i have no arguements with.
  5. i think thats fixed so that if you are there, they cant claim it..offline or not.
  6. there is a building called taxation house or somethign like that ((forget actual name but tax is in it)) the mechanic is to have tht built, and then peopel can build on your land and pay you for it. ..dotn think many people have done it yet...was gonan practice but ..gave up alot of my claim area to just sail aroudn and meet people
  7. they aren't meant to, just like in eve, corporations claim mass amounts of space, and sucks to be you if you cant. its a cut throat type of mmo. the only difference is here they have a pve server. again, if you cant claim land, then ask to use land. give tiem for those who have claims to buidl them up, and have things that peopel can use there. hell my plan was to build up a few dry docks, etc etc, let people use them, and do what they will, along with services and lodging, and even places for little town tenants to build permanent areas. its part of the way they designed this game. get used to it. sorry for sounding rude about it but its true. evolve...adapt
  8. You guys are missing the simple fact, you dont NEED land claim. you can build in the lawless areas with no land claim, seen people doing it. the goal is for those that do go out and claim areas to build ports and towns and such for people to go dock in, trade with people, etc etc. They already said they are trying to make an mmo survival game. this isn't ark. while yes land claimign over someones already claimed land is stupid and shoudl be fixed, claimign big areas is intentional and people should learn to actually try to play like they care about a mmo and its economy in game
  9. i think as long as you are asleep on your ship, they cant claim your ship, or your claim for that matter if your asleep next to it..i tried to test this with a friend...couldn't claim their ship
  10. i think the underlying issue is how you are choosing to respawn. So when you select your home region, every time you respawn you also select which island you want to . N, S, E, W. Pay attention to which one you want to spawn on. also this game is actually very playable. most of us went through the lag fest to get out of the startign areas. server loads and bugs are all about early access...if you dont like stuff like that..dont play. or do, and complain, i mean its your money. But at least please give your complains in a nice constructive criticism
  11. anyone fish up any info about this tree?
  12. what title says. nothing? there needs to be a way to report toxic behavior/names and general griefing.
  13. 10 minuets ..and if you log off or are on another server...its then taken
  14. should be a decay timer not a contestation on pve
  15. um, im gonan make a link to the ark converter, if the creator wishes me to remove please notify me immediatly https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=518906272
  16. flags are 256x256 same as the ones in ark. as for sails, that iw ish i knew. im using an old ark converter for pictures so it doesn't have all the atlas ones yet
  17. The current fix for this it looks like they just made them instant now. but the reason they didn't spawn before patch was because you died or logged off before completion
  18. As with this last patch this issue should mostly be fixed, BUT all you do is exit game/server and rejoin. do not recreate
  19. honestly, this might be a localized issue, unless you DIDN'T try the one step that works for everyone. Literally everyone. If it comes up after you die to recreate your character you have to leave the server. completly. exit atlas, exit the server and rejoin the sever as normal and your back in. However with the latest patch that issue should be mostly solved
  20. your issue is you died/ dc'd or logged out before the construction was done. that issue shoudl be now fixed from the new patch
  21. We have found the cause, When you log off, die, or anything it will not spawn, it is treated like a crafting item, that YOU are crafting, not the ship yard. @Jatheish This is ground breaking bug. people cannot be logged in, Nor be stable because of the server updates, during a galleon or brig build. PLEASE fix this
  22. yes, and when you place a flag it will show green
  23. when placing a wall, press t to change the type of wall, ranges from window frame to door frame, to half way, to railings
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