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About Korin

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  1. Thanks for clearing that up I just didn't know what the op meant specifically was all. Most of us aren't even playing till the wipe anyway lol
  2. So we have a screenshot of missing planks, and the op saying blah blah don't remove or replace planks. Its probably a good idea to be you know clear in why people shouldn't do that. Maybe what server you're on etc etc. One could assume its possibly because you are unable to put planks back, but then that would draw questions. Is it possible your company is over the global boat limit ? etc etc
  3. Yeah I mean replacing what was lost is no thing. Like actually its easier now that we know the stuffs. Hell even farming massive bases behemoth gate wall wrapping around entire islands are minimal if you know what you're doing. But anyway to the point I think most people just wanna play again, currently with this whole wipe limbo crap its unsatisfying and pointless to login until the wipe is done.
  4. Seriously like there's no point to logging in if we know everything doesn't matter. One company mate said it best. Its like taking a mythic rifle and shooting cows. I went and Leeroy'd a harbor sinking 3 Galleons and getting out after dumping 2k cannonballs on many ships. It was completely unsatisfying because none of it matters if its going to be wiped. This is why we play official, the core reason. Please get to the wipe asap so we can get back to playing. Thank you
  5. Yeah turning fires off and on every in game day is just dumb, either change it or take breeding out
  6. Why is this a thing ...
  7. So as the title suggests - everyone trying to breed most things get this mysterious "condom" icon. This is in fact not a condom icon, it is a Pacifier. This pacifier comes in different variations. The most common that most of us see its the condom looking one which means its too cold. Afaik campfires are the best heat source.... Thus you have to surround them in campfires until they are nice and cozy to get it on. This is the very easy part. So now you have a gestating little baby in your whateveryoubred. Well this little baby is gonna pop out when the timers up and its gonna be pretty temperature sensitive. By that I mean youll see that oh so familiar "condom" icon again meaning your baby is quite literally dying. Don't worry it seems kind of slow but its all good because its percentage based !!! Again by that I mean as it grows up it will lose MORE hp when its cold. So finally you get them nice and cozy as you're furiously farming wood to keep the fires going, only to come back to your babies mid day and what do you know your lovely "condom" icon is back but this time it looks like a little fire in the middle of the condom! This means your baby is too hot and yet again, its dying ….. So you have to manage this the entire time, hell in Ark feeding babies and imprinting them was the hard work. Let me tell you this temperature management is exponentially more involved than just feeding. That's like the nothing compared to managing their environmental needs. It is C O M P L E T E cancer. So I thought ok, this has to stop at Juvie (10%) right ? Nupe !!! How in the actual hell are we expected to literally turn fires off and on every 20 mins for 2.5days..... Did Anyone test this???? I understand early access, and I think the mechanic is neat, but it needs to stop at Juvenile.
  8. I mean that's just racist dude. Just because a small handful of players chose to cheat doesn't entitle you to blame everyone. Sad, just sad man.
  9. yep, had em tamed a while now. friendly hint.. lions can pick them.
  10. But yeah nice condom blinky icon when I try to breed em...
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