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Fernando Lorran

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About Fernando Lorran

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  1. Bug aparentemente foi concertado na att de Hj -- ja ate aparece a imagen do item
  2. ingraçado é que eu por nao acreditar fiz o que meu amigo tinha feito criei e coloquei a ferramenta no cinto crashou mais consigui voltar ... logando primeiro no solo e depois no online
  3. my friend started the game graffiti this tool he put on his character's belt and when he selected to use the game it crashed and he couldn't enter the game anymore every time he tries the game Crash again if there's no way to delete character create another one Can't enter on the server he can only enter PVP servers because the server that happened this was PVe he just purchased the game could you help please .... we've already checked the integrity of the files we've tried everything we've already tried to delete the character's folder check the integrity of the game files I tried to find the character's body to kill it entered the tool and still I couldn't find the character Hope they help to solve the problem
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