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About Doughber

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  1. @Sniperok thanks I will give that a try. Also by chance does anyone know if the trading works on dedicated servers my market is connected to warehouse but just says no resources available for tade? (Yes it says tade lol) because that was one thing that was also not working for me even before this update. As well my shipyardsmen guy does not have any of the new ships available. Only has had 3 ships raft, schooner I think and something else. Are these things not working on dedicated and only on official server's? Thanks in advanced. Update i found out how to get the new ships I needed to add the shiphub island thing from grid editor to my grid. So now if only can figure out how to get this market thing to work.
  2. With anyone else having a problem reloading all of their grid. I have a 36 server and only can get it to load from 2-9 of them then it stops. Had the same problem with 1.7.0b but restarting server control and reloading would sometimes fix this. But can't get this to work at all with as well this still does not seem to use the latest grid server editor since when you load project and click edit it's missing DB entry 6 that i have seen from the official one I found on steam discussion found here https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/3007801544760244956/
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