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About FrozenIce94

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  1. Serverfeatures: - 3x3 Grid - 8 servers PVE, 1 server PVP - 2xXP on PVE, 3xXP on PVP - Higher harvesting - Increased skillpoints per level - Higher taming - Offline Protection - 2 Spawnserver - High value of islands Other: - Few rules - Company limit, Alliance limit, claiming.. - Teamspeak channel for active companies Teamspeak IP: ts.unitedgaming.eu Homepage: https://unitedgaming.eu/ Small Preview: (Spoiler)
  2. #Added Trailer specials Airship, Airplane and tank
  3. How to spawn every ship type. Basic Command: "SpawnShip blueprintPathShip[FString] blueprintPathHull[FString] SpawnDist[float] bAddDecks[bool] bAddSails[bool] bAutoPilotShip[bool]" blueprintPathShip -> The ships are located in "ShooterGame\Content\Atlas\Vehicles\Ships\" blueprintPathHull -> The Hull parts are located in "ShooterGame\Content\Atlas\Structures\ShipHulls" SpawnDist -> Distance to your current position as number eg. 10 bAddDecks -> true if you want to add decks bAddSails -> true if you want to add sails bAutoPilotShip -> true if you want to enable autopilot. That means you can drive it in every direction without wind. Driver can press W or S to open the sails. Works until next restart. Example Sloop: cheat SpawnShip "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Sloop/Ship_BP_Sloop.Ship_BP_Sloop'" "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHullSloop_BP.ShipHullSloop_BP'" 10 true true true Example Schooner: cheat SpawnShip "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Schooner/Ship_BP_Schooner.Ship_BP_Schooner'" "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHullSchooner_BP.ShipHullSchooner_BP'" 10 true true true Example Brigantine: cheat SpawnBrig Example Galleon: cheat SpawnShip "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Galleon/Ship_BP_Galleon.Ship_BP_Galleon'" "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHullGalleon_BP.ShipHullGalleon_BP'" 10 true true true Do you want to fly the Airplane or drive the tank. Yes you can WW2 Airplane - flies to mouse direction cheat SpawnShip "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Airplane/Aircraft_BP_Zephyr.Aircraft_BP_Zephyr'" "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Airplane/ShipHull_BP_Hoopoe.ShipHull_BP_Hoopoe'" 10 true true true Tank - Can Shooooot cheat SpawnShip "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Tank/Tank_BP.Tank_BP'" "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Tank/ShipHull_BP_Tank.ShipHull_BP_Tank'" 10 true true true Airship - laaaaaags, cannot fly cheat SpawnShip "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Steampunk/Aircraft_BP_Steampunk.Aircraft_BP_Steampunk'" "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Steampunk/ShipHull_BP_Steampunk.ShipHull_BP_Steampunk'" 10 true true true I hope that helps you FrozenIce94
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