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About CelticSage

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  1. As a brand new (only been playing for ONE WEEK) solo player, I find it extremely aggravating that schooners + cost GOLD! Watching videos on YouTube of solo players or even PvP players from one year ago and they don't have to pay an extortionate fee to HAND BUILD a ship's SKELETON. What's next, you going to start charging 500 gold per wood panel? Or will it cost mythos to get a medium speed sail?? Absolutely ridiculous. Gathering the other resources required, fine. But to pay to get the better ships is ludicrous, especially for a solo player! I'm not interested in farming massive amounts of gold SOLO JUST TO GET A FASTER SHIP!! I play maybe a few hours each night to relax, not to go grind out hundreds of treasure maps and pirate camps to afford a bloody SCHOONER!
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