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About Nola

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  1. Hey all, new to the dedicated servers. We're using Nitrado because of Xbox Crossplay functionality. I built a 2x2 using ServerGridEditor and all seemed to be well but we have an island missing. We have 1 freeport in A1 and it's fine, but our freeport in B2 is missing. It looks fine on the map images and in the json but it's missing in game. Trying to avoid a wipe as we have a few active players that have spent considerable time building in the other grids. Below is the json of the island that's missing and the image from game is attached. "islandInstances": [ { "name": "D_FREE", "id": 1150, "spawnerOverrides": {}, "treasureMapSpawnPoints": [ "100.606110 69074.718750 12013.407227", "11784.000000 70072.570313 4249.871094", "462.483063 52701.992188 5934.552246", "-13303.907227 52206.214844 6393.338867", "-26109.367188 46114.746094 5293.625977", "-37630.980469 42049.687500 5220.727539", "-43938.535156 39865.015625 4761.925293", "-45329.929688 25340.005859 5685.668457", "-37978.660156 -4326.980957 7079.371094", "-47202.007813 -16370.258789 8386.809570", "-51901.117188 -29883.980469 8560.557617", "-37815.406250 -34448.898438 9111.402344", "-33550.125000 -45478.718750 6278.131348", "-19541.146484 -37352.207031 6247.917480", "-9503.051758 -25648.666016 8292.737305", "14931.654297 -25452.199219 22890.310547", "31524.275391 15187.054688 31794.964844", "35041.101563 26107.867188 10374.833984", "27275.873047 23638.589844 5918.541504", "2941.004150 9844.287109 15176.431641" ], "wildPirateCampSpawnPoints": [ "-940.074219 -35874.468750 7534.596680", "24665.005859 1339.187622 22200.076172", "-1715.310791 63112.734375 9342.221680", "-35680.910156 39708.812500 5178.205078", "-46534.718750 -23476.373047 8964.223633" ], "minTreasureQuality": -1.0, "maxTreasureQuality": -1.0, "useNpcVolumesForTreasures": false, "useLevelBoundsForTreasures": true, "prioritizeVolumesForTreasures": false, "islandPoints": -1, "islandTreasureBottleSupplyCrateOverrides": "", "spawnPointRegionOverride": 1, "islandWidth": 204000.0, "islandHeight": 204000.0, "singleSpawnPointX": 33288.0, "singleSpawnPointY": -39187.0, "singleSpawnPointZ": 800.0, "worldX": 2609629.75, "worldY": 2554817.0, "rotation": 0.0 },
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