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About JellyTrip

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  1. So got the grill working on pc Make the pipework first Make sure there is no ceiling above the grill placement area (although if you have high ceilings this doesnt appear to be an issue) It should then snap to the pipes However i believe there is a huge bug with this (hahah was tabbed out and got ate by a level 10 tiger whilst typing this) Once you have the water source connected via the rainwater or fresh water source it always says 0/2 water and you cannot stack more than one celery soup or 3 berry teas (one creation) Pretty sure this is bugged as tried both rain water and the stone storage method so its not a supply issue but you cannot stack like normal food items if it requires water to make. Havent tested if multiple water jars negates this issue but its likely Now to go retrieve my items! Still getting the issue where the grill constantly relights when on irrigated water source and this actually cancels the food in the queue. I thought it might be cooking raw meat related so made a secondary grill connected to the same water pipe line and putting meat in one and food production in the other. Still the same issue. I get the ""wooof" sound of a grill relighting and it cancels whatever is in production at this time Tbh this is making the game impossible to play using food and the vitamin system so better off just dying and retrieval. Fix this as its game breaking!
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