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Long John

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Long John last won the day on April 27 2020

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About Long John

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  1. Freeports should have more NPC interactions such as taverns and stores for accessories. Also no decay time should be issued but instead gold should be paid to anchor a ship and that way people can't hide in pvp at free port and attack and then just leave and repair and come back. I wouldnt agree with the ship number per company if there is gold involve and I do agree about the overweight boats should auto sink. also hand to hand fight should be allow on the free port but it like iniating a trade. Free ports should be where you have multiple companies messing around and recruit. Also mini games such as cards and dice should be added to gamble in taverns with other companies for gold. Free ports should put NPC bounties on lawless islands and you have to return them to the free port for gold as well.
  2. GOD NO please go play last oasis keep that crap off of atlas. This will in my opinion destroy the game, but I think the sotd are stupid and should actually be aggressive wandering NPC galleons, schooner, brigs, and sloops with npc crews.
  3. Below are some overall suggestions that could be added to the game to make it more interactive and fun. Freeports should have more NPC interactions such as taverns and stores for accessories. Also no decay time should be issued but instead gold should be paid to anchor a ship and that way people can't hide in pvp at free port and attack and then just leave and repair and come back. Mini games should be incorporated as well. We should be able to craft card table and dice to play on the long journey with no wind with our crews and allies. there should also be npc on lawless islands that can be captured for bounties and turned into freeports for gold and other items. The ship of the damn should actually be galleons with crews that can be boarded and attacked. The ships themselves could have the chest with all the loot and we would have to fight on the decks of the ship hand to hand if we decided to board, LIKE REAL PIRATES. NPC OR CREWMEMBERS I have noticed when playing the npc when following literally go everywhere and are difficult and frustrating to control. There follow system should be coded basically to follow the exact path of the leader. Building structures such as stone large walls should have more base hp. I understand the masterwork lengendary and mythical wall do but 24000 for a common wall is literally a volley from a galleon. My belief would be that common would have atleast 150000 or equivalent to a small ship yard worth of hp and it goes up from there. HP of builds should all be equal, the only difference should be the durability of the structures such as planks and walls should increase based on quality. Crewmembers should be able to auto pilot boats without having to be on the boat. So basically you literally assign the crew member and tell him the direction and he travels in that direction only and never turns. So players who are traveling long distances can actually fast travel off the boat to do resource gathering etc and the boat continues on the path. This is risky but is the choice of the player keep jumping back and forth from the ship to redirect the auto pilot. When wiping an island and claiming it, everything in the islands circle including that in ocean should be deleted all the way to the ocean floor. I recently wiped and island and there were still wall and sturctures built in the bays of the island that didn;t get wiped and they had their original timers.
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