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About Malikav

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  1. Forbes trying to relate to any culture or technology after 1980 is amusing, and usually filled with hyperbole. Obviously the launch is shit, it's basically in alpha testing. This should not have surprised anyone. I understand the complaints, and agree that the early access model of game releases is not a good one. That being said, I'm sure you can still get a refund if you really want, otherwise you're just going to have to wait a while for some stability.
  2. Hello there folks at the Dev team. In case you didn't notice the massive twitter flood I felt like informing you that the game cannot even be launched from Steam now. Clicking play brings up the "preparing to launch" window, without starting the application. This is somewhat detrimental to testing your update. Thanks, Some guy.
  3. There was something very unsettling about diving straight down from the ocean spawn just to see bodies everywhere all the way down.
  4. Malikav


    [This comment timed out while trying to post]
  5. I got ganked pretty hard by the login server.
  6. Where exactly does the line for new get drawn? Clearly some of the content and systems are the same or similar, but there are new additions as well. I'm curious what everyone perceives as the threshhold for new/reskinned.
  7. What if we hooked up a second one?
  8. Tall Boy all the way. Down with the stunties.
  9. Also in the position where it's in my library but the payment hasn't finished processing. It took my friend about 30 minutes to get out of that phase.
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