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Everything posted by DangerRocket

  1. You from Grapeshoot are such bunglers, in the patch you kind of destroyed the PVE. We are now back where we were in season 1. With the Claimtowers you have destroyed weeks of work and efforts by many companies, the Claimtowers simply have no place in PVE. The modder team from Radioaktiv Atlas (https://radioactivegaming.eu/atlas/) shows us that there is another way, the developers of Graveshoot should get in touch with the guys and let them show them how to develop Atlas correctly and make it playable .
  2. If you have a new card, please return the old one with 15x15 grids. It was realistic with the biomes, much nicer to play and, above all, it never had such big lag problems. Separating EU and NA would also be a great advantage in PVE.
  3. Nobody has an idea here, am I the only one with the problem? That none of Grapeshoot commented on it was clear, the gentlemen are probably too fine to help us with problems and questions.
  4. Look on the Resource Map for the Spawnpoints ATLAS - Discovery and Resource Map
  5. I can't finish building my Gally. The message comes up too many structures on the platform. But I built less than with older Gallys. Has anything changed? How can you see how many structures are currently installed?
  6. Shop and animal market on Mentou Enclave in the grid F8 PVE Coordinates L: -0.77 B: -35.06 Mythical blueprints and parts at good prices Bears up to level 72, 216% DMG, 1250 Stamina also breedable for sale. We look forward to your visit to Atlas and Discord. Discord: https://discord.gg/Pq4qpCW
  7. .. for this great Christmas LAG event. The servers run worse than ever, 3x gold with 10x LAG 3x taming ??? Taming with the LAG is not possible at all. I wonder what you were thinking? for example "We'll patch the game and piss off on Christmas Holydays" or "Let the players watch how you get along and the botched patch" PLEASE do us a favor and throw your Farms, Warehouse and the trading system in the trash can and let's farm with elephants, giraffes and rinos again. Then the servers should finally be playable again !!!! As a good resolution for 2021, you should first carefully test your new things on the PTR server before you overstrain our nerves. in this sense a healthy new 2021 the whole community here _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ In Deutsch: Vielen Dank an das Grapeshot Team .. für dieses tolle Weihnachts LAG Event. Die Server laufen schlechter den je, 3x Gold mit 10x LAG 3x taming ??? Tamen mit dem LAG ist garnicht möglich. Ich frage mich was Ihr euch dabei gedacht habt ? etwa " wir patchen das Spiel kaputt und verpissen uns ganz schnell in den Weihnachts Urlaub" oder " Sollen die Spieler doch zusehen wie Sie klar kommen und dem vermurksten Patch" BITTE tut Uns den Gefallen und schmeißt Eure Farmen, Warenhäuser und das Handelssystem in den Mülleimer und lasst uns wieder mit Elefanten, Giraffen und Rinos farmen. Dann sollten die Server endlich wieder Spielbar sein!!!! Als guten Vorsatz für 2021 solltet Ihre neue Sachen erstmal ausführlich auf dem PTR-Server testen bevor Ihr unsere Nerven überstrapaziert. in diesem Sinne ein gesundes neues 2021 der ganzen Gemeindschaft hier
  8. The new patch brings a lot of things that the world doesn't need and again server lags without end. Atlas is not playable again since the patch! Do you test your work before importing it ??? Your holiday is canceled until the servers are running lag free again. Who Needs the Tranq Arrow? The taming gets as boring as in ARK! Anyone who has to work like that doesn't need an animal!!!
  9. Fast travel to our beds is no longer possible! The beds are in an unclaimed area, they say. Christmas gimmicks are really nice, but why are basics always broken? We can't even travel to the beds in the outpost right now.
  10. Oh shit, how ugly the docks are. I very much like all islands to be built with the ugly parts Anyone who messes up an island with such a dock should also have to pay for it. So please increase the maintenance costs from 500 gold to 5000 gold / day and not lower it to 150 gold.
  11. The fact is that since the introduction of the trading system with the beginning of the farmhouses, lag has become the main topic. Since then we have all struggled with the monster lags and the game has lost a lot of its charm. Everyone just steals the island with farms, nobody needs farm animals like elephants, giraffes and rinos. All animals can be removed there. Baer and Rabe would be enough. So the Atlas developers should finally get your tired bones going and fix the game so that the people who pay your salaries can enjoy the game again. In German: Fakt ist, das seit einführung des Handelssystems mit beginn der Farmhäuser das Thema Lag zum Hauptthema wurde. Seit dem Zeitpunkt kämpfen wir alle mit den Monsterlags und das Spiel hat viel von seinem Charm verloren. Jeder stehlt nur noch die Insel mit Farmen zu , keiner braucht mehr Farmtiere wie Elefant , Giraffe und Rino. Da können auch gleich alle Tiere entfernt werden. Baer und Rabe würden reichen. Also sollten die Atlas-Entwickler Ihre müden Knochen endlich mal in Gang bekommen und das Spiel in Ordnung bringen, damit die Leute die Eure Gehälter bezahlen auch wieder Spass an dem Spiel haben.
  12. The servers in Lawless are running really shit again, ping at 255. Why not fix the errors first before you add unnecessary new things to Atlas. Normal people learn from the mistakes they have made in the past, but you seem to be immune. So please, please pinch your ass cheeks together and eliminate the errors first. In German: Die Server in Lawless laufen schon wieder richtig Scheisse, Ping bei 255. Warum behebt Ihr nicht erstmal die Fehler bevor Ihr neue unnötige Sachen in Atlas einbaut. Normale Menschen lernen aus Ihren Fehlern die sie in der Vergangenheit gemacht haben, Ihr scheint aber da Immun zu sein. Also Bitte, Bitte kneifft die Arschbacken zusammen und beseitigt erst mal die Fehler.
  13. 7:00 PM since you're crazy, that's 4:00 am for us, so in the middle of the night. A shitty time for us and also quite unfair
  14. The trade isn't bad. But department store and market should be enough. removes the stupid farm from the game, it broke a lot what was fun in ATLAS. Why should I still tame or breed elephants, rinos or giraffes? When every noob can just put up a farmhouse and then get Resourcen in abundance. Alternatively, you can remove the animals from the game that nobody needs anyway, then the servers will at least run better and not so laggy anymore. Or better you go back to Seasson 3 (Servergrid 15x15) before you have broken the beautiful game. In German : Das mit dem Handel ist ja nicht mal schlecht. Aber Warenhaus und Markt sollte dazu reichen. Entfernt die blöde Farm aus dem Spiel, die hat viel kaputt gemacht was in ATLAS Spass gemacht hat. Warum soll ich noch Elefanten, Rinos oder Giraffen tamen oder züchten? Wenn jeder Noob einfach ein Farmhaus hinstellen kann und dann Resourcen im Überfluss bekommt. Alternative könnt Ihr ja die Tiere aus dem Spiel entfernen die sowieso keiner mehr braucht, dann laufen die Server wenigstens besser und nicht mehr so laggy. Oder besser Ihr geht zurück zu Seasson 3 ( Servergrid 15x15) bevor Ihr das schöne Spiel kaputt Entwickelt habt.
  15. So with the new mini islands, someone has probably made a lot of effort to make them so ugly. Guys, that could certainly have been done in beautiful. Since the patch today, fast travel has become a disaster, the target beds can no longer be selected correctly and the grid jumps like crazy when zooming.
  16. Hello ? Server Grid D7 is still not available. Server tag is still at 2889, all others are already at day 2904 Are the admins sleeping? Or is it just because PVE doesn't matter to everyone at Grapeshoot, the main thing is that the beloved PVP servers are running. Don't forget that we PVE players also paid money, so we have a right to good support.
  17. We flew out at 9:30 p.m. CET last night, and now nothing works to connect. Server day is still 2889. It is very poor that an official server cannot be reached for over 10 hours.
  18. Will they get the PVE server up and running again or will we get our money back? would please give an admin info to us!!!
  19. "Thats because the PvE servers were getting restarted first and something fucked up so they didn't initiate the PvP server restart." I got this answer in Discord. Nothing else means than that the PVP server is to be tested for you and you have broken it again. One can only hope that the developers get it back, otherwise the last players will be gone too.
  20. New day new bugs: In Sector C7 I can no longer passively tame it. I have food on the 0, but the message "press E" does not appear. But it works in other sectors. Its not a buf its a Features: Grid tamelimit was reached
  21. Mistakes, mistakes and more mistakes I have the feeling that Grapeshot wants to enter the Guinniss Book of Records with the game that has the most bugs. (Irony off) The fact that ships from the Companys have been removed from the system over and over again in the past seasons has certainly hit everyone. But now the skeletons of the missing ships remain, so that one is always reminded that the atlas or the atlas team destroyed the whole work for no reason. Furthermore, the number of sunken wrecks that are stuck so far in the ground that the treasure cannot be retrieved has greatly increased. If Grapeshoot can't fix that, it would be helpful to reset the wrecks every 24 - 48 hours until you can fix the error. After you have brought the submarine back to the hangar you are trapped in the chair that remains shameless in the water and surrounded by an invisible submarine. unfortunately only help to die and leave inventory behind. It also accumulates the animal to be bent from the ship, not only when changing servers. It has happened to me several times that I had to collect animals in the water after driving through the hulls of the Sods. After losing 2 giraffes, a rhinoceros and a raven, I got into the habit of pressing the F key and checking the number of crew on the ship. The more and more sod-ship hulls standing around on the sea was thankfully taken by the developers. I only bring it up again because of the urgency. The fact that the ping has generally improved a bit is probably due to the fact that the number of active players has almost halved in the last 4 weeks. Which is very sad. It would be nice if other players and fellow sufferers report their bugs here. And it would be even better if Officelle or Admin keep us up to date on what's going on and which of our worries have made it onto the to-do list. ========================================================================================================================== Deutsch: Bugliste PVE Server Fehler, Fehler und noch mehr Fehler Ich habe das Gefühl Grapeshot will ins Guinnissbuch der Rekorde mit dem Spiel was die meisten Bugs hat. ( Ironie aus ) Das in den vergangen Seasons immer wieder Schiffe aus den Companys vom System entfernt wurden hat ja bestimmt schon jeden getroffen. Aber jetzt bleiben auch noch die Gerippe von den verschwunden Schiffen über, so das man immer schön daran erinnert wird das Atlas oder das Atlasteam einem die ganze Arbeit Grundlos zerstört hat. Weiterhin hat die anzahl der versunkenen Wracks die soweit im Boden stecken das der Schatz nicht geholt werden kann sehr zugenommen. Wenn Grapeshoot das nicht fixen kann, wäre uns ein reset der Wracks alle 24 - 48 Stunden erstmal Hilfreich bis Ihr den Fehler fixen könnt. Nachdem man das Uboot zurück an den Hangar gebracht hat ist man auf dem Stuhl der scheinbar im Wasser bleibt gefangen und von einem unsichtbarem Uboot umgeben. Da hilft leider nur noch sterben, und Inventar zurück lassen. Es häuft sich auch das Tier vom Schiff gebugt werden, nicht nur beim Serverwechsel. Es ist mir schon mehrfach passiert das ich nach dem durchfahren von Schiffshüllen der Sods Tiere Im Wasser einsammeln musste. Nachdem ich 2 Giraffen, ein Nashorn und einen Raben verloren habe, hab ich mir angewöhnt öfters die F-Taste zu drücken und die Anzahl der Crew auf dem Schiff zu prüfen. Das immer mehr Sod-Schiff-Hüllen auf dem Meer rumstehen wurde von den Entwicklern gott sei Dank schon wargenommen. Ich erwähne das nur nochmal wegen der Dringlichkeit. Das der Ping im allgemeinen etwas besser geworden ist liegt wohl daran das die Anzahl der aktiven Spieler sich in den letzten 4 Wochen nahezu halbiert hat. Was sehr traurig ist. Es wäre schön wenn andere Mitspieler und Leidensgenossen hier von Ihren Bugs berichten. Und es wäre noch schöner wenn Offizelle oder Admin uns hier auf dem laufendem halten was aktuell passiert und welche unserer Sorgen es auf die ToDoliste geschaft haben.
  22. new fetures, new mistakes !! SODs stand around in the middle of the ocean and do nothing Graphic errors are increasing. Now we even have holes in the water! or is that also a great innovation with which the developers want to delight us? The ping problems are only getting better in places because more and more players give up in frustration and look for a game that works and where the developers break a working game with updates and stupid innovations. I know that Grapeshoot wants to push PVP, but we PVE players also paid you money and don't want to be punished for it now.
  23. It partially gets better with the ping. But I think a lot of people just stopped playing because you don’t feel like messing around. Even here on the island, structures are falling into disrepair and it is becoming more playable. But the wrong way is that I make a game so bad that the players stay away to have it playable again.
  24. Thanks for the Tip The bears can be mated a long way inland
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