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About Blurgles

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  1. Ahh yea I’ve had those issues as well, I play on Xbox too? My friend plays on Pc so we play on a actual server, it doesn’t work yet to play coop on a personal one. I guess it’s more of getting Xbox atlas up to speed? I do wonder if the generation of the Xbox effects it? Mine is Xbox one slim.
  2. Soo I don’t know if anyone else is experiencing this because nothing has come up so far when I search for it. Buttt I started up a single server and it worked but the following day when I goto log into it the loading freezes on Ocean. I restarted my single server and opened a new one worked the first day then had the same issue AGAIN. It freezes on the ocean loading bar, and i waited roughly 5-10 mins both times..... So yea anyone else?
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