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About Drefenluthas

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  1. I'm on Xbox 1 X with an external 500gb SSD (it only has Atlas on it) and it's hardwired to great internet . I run my console resolution in 720p my video fidelity color depth is set to 24 bpp 8-bit .my TV is even set to lower settings and low latency on . With all that being said I get like 5 fps around most bases and constant stutters and frame tearing and freezes . The quality of the graphics could be significantly reduced and I know this because my roommate is on PC and I've seen his graphics and they look way worse but runs way smoother .
  2. Please make it so Xbox can lower the details and graphics in game . We will not be able to compete against PC until this happens. I do not understand why these options are not available on any console. We need to be able to fully reduce ground clutter , sky quality , render distance , ECT.
  3. Please make it so Xbox can lower the details and graphics in game . We will not be able to compete against PC until his happens. Once your base is big like ours or you start raiding other big bases you'll realize how unplayable the game is on Xbox 1 x with SSD and hardwired internet the game runs terrible in almost every circumstance other than on the sea
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