We wait 2 weeks and nothing happenend, they place Barrels at our Tame-Buildings on our Island every day.
PVP-EUBOTheute um 15:03 Uhr
The Blacklist (1305763135) Day 2208, 05:10:51: Your 'Swivel Cannon' was destroyed! Day 2208, 05:10:51: Your 'Puckle' was destroyed! Day 2208, 05:10:51: Your 'Wood Pillar' was destroyed! Day 2208, 05:10:51: Your 'Wood Pillar' was destroyed! Day 2208, 05:10:51: Your Company killed Teriyaki Suave Ya Tu Sabe - Lvl 91 (HACIENDA - Grumete)! Day 2208, 05:10:51: Your 'Wood Swivel Gun Mount' was destroyed! Day 2208, 00:13:07: Your 'Wood Triangle Floor' was auto-decay destroyed at J14 [Long: 28.91 / Lat: -77.11]! Day 2208, 07:25:45: Your Company killed Crewel Mingalarga - Lvl 81 (HACIENDA - Grumete)! Day 2208, 07:25:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 2208, 07:25:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 2208, 07:25:45: Your 'Stone Triangle Floor' was destroyed! Day 2208, 07:25:45: Crew member Asura One - Lvl 111 was killed! Day 2208, 07:25:45: Your Company killed Asura One - Lvl 111 (The Blacklist - Unbesonnen)! Day 2208, 07:25:45: Your 'Stone Triangle Floor' was destroyed! Day 2208, 07:25:45: Your 'Stone Triangle Floor' was destroyed!
thats the last 5 mins only
IT costs lots of players... we dont use that exploid, but they use it.