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Everything posted by MOTIK

  1. Left joystick to move on xbox one controller dosn't work? (I am playing on PC) Any tricks? Tried the steam overlay control configs and all that no luck. Works with every other game i have. Just started playing again with friends and this is a total bummer.
  2. well, they still need to cash grab a switch version and next gen consoles just gave them a reason to make minor updates and cash grab them... for me the game was dead the third time they fired the entire staff.
  3. i think it is more about the food and vitamin system being crazy unbalanced and less about death penalty. eating 16 elephants worth of meat a day and drinking a 50 gallon barrel of water just to survive is a bit silly.
  4. flotsam are great for food while sailing early game. unfortunately it's still faster and more efficient to die. they just jumbled the map up. im honestly surprised shipwrecks are not spawning under islands or in the air.
  5. at this point i would not bother. get a refund if you can. if you can not get a refund i would avoid any guides or anything. build a raft, explore a little, get a couple hours thrill of adventure. after that the game completely falls apart
  6. i think the systems are ok. its just the balances that are waaaay off. i would love to see some of these developers grocery bills. kill a 5 ton elephant? yeah, that is about 5 kilo of meat, which is about what a light snack is... i get thirsty and need a gatoraide walking from my cubicle to the bathroom so....if im running around an island i would obviously need 300 liters of water per minute. when Bob lowers the office thermostat 1 degree i get sooooo cold. i bet a 5 degree change people would freeze to DEATH!
  7. clearly cutting 60% of an alpha game in production is the best way to add content! but they added cats that fish for you...that for some reason will not eat the fish they catch and starve to death.
  8. pirates and privateers did not "pvp" 24/7. they had ports of call to resupply and rebuild. only after ship and crew were healthy would they go sailing to find ships to hunt. some of you pvp tryhards make it sound like you think pirate times were non stop drunkin fighting 24 hours a day for 60 years. it was not an ongoing war with 24 hour conflict for years at a time. it was more like cops and robbers with some corporate sabotage.
  9. losing stuff while sleeping or at work sucks! this is why i prefer warzone style mmo's. think of the most successful MMO ever - world of warcraft. you can collect cute animals and raid pve until your friends come online. then you can get your roving murder ball squad into a pvp area, arena, or event. atlas could easily do this. 90% pve and 10% of zones have unique pvp stuff in them. special pirate skins or unique animals to collect, nothing essential to the game. just fun little rewards for people that want to pvp.
  10. right, because the first thing i think while playing atlas is : WOW! i wish this game was more like LoL or that giant dumpster fire Valorant. good luck. will watch this train wreck from a safe distance.
  11. MOTIK

    New World Map!

    You know they have faith in the patch when they preemptively shut down all other forums to avoid the backlash. There are more classy ways to say F*** YOU to the community that purchased your product. cheers
  12. well, until ANYBODY else releases a game with water and ships that you can play alone... i felt the same way. friends talked me into coming back. decided to just have a schooner and a bear. kinda roleplaying a sandbox experience instead of chasing goals. has been fun so far in small doses.
  13. 100% need a map toggle to show tames and crew. not at all realistic but, necessary until the game is finished at least.
  14. need to dig or make the irrigation thing if planning to stay. check for nearby settlements. many will have an irrigation pipe u can drink from
  15. i dont understand why it so hard to fix the hit box. is it not just a wire box they can drag and expand to fit the visuals?! animals clipping through textures and having to crawl up inside some animals to feed while taming seems like a super simple fix.
  16. 1 handling then all speed i always like 1 handling because it goes from no sail to full sail super fast so you instantly start moving. helps a lot with "parking".
  17. have not seen any official news, but then companies rarely publicly announce failure. safe bet is abandon ware. i heard that new dino expansion is a really pretty piece of garbage though...so it was totally worth abandoning such a promising project /s
  18. the angry green guy that lives on the street! duh! swedish chef is a VERY close second. heeeeey derp derp
  19. ark is kinda like being 5 years old playing with your plastic dinosaurs in a sandbox the neighborhood cats use as a litterbox... some people cherish that memory. personally i was hoping the whole "we made a new game company" thing would distance atlas from ark and create something the neighborhood cats dont shit in. (yes this kinda contradicts a previous post. suggesting they join up was a last ditch emergency thought)
  20. Percieval i understand that was the original goal. if the options are atlas becoming abandon-ware or getting folded into the ark-verse and completed it becomes a reasonable option. just me trying to think of solutions. not that my thoughts matter haha cheers
  21. it sounds like they both got promotions. happy for them. would still like an official atlas announcement tho at this point wouldnt it make sense to make atlas a world within the ark universe? would help explain the dinosaur sized snakes and the magical undead things. also, i kinda want to see a raptor boarding party...
  22. I'm fine with paying to play an early access title. I can look past all the bugs and dev fumbles. what pisses me off is paying for a game that a company appears to have never intended to finish. That borders on fraud and its getting to the point where legal repercussions may be reasonable. you pay ahead for reservations at a restaurant. you start getting upset if it takes more than an hour to get your food. if you dont see your waitress for SIX MONTHS and still havnt been fed most people go nuts.
  23. rumor also has it that the person (team?) that designed the ship structures was one of the first to leave the company. long time ago there was a list of job openings and somebody smarter than me pointed out they were critical design positions. probably an easy google or reddit search to find the discussion. after a year of dark troubling waters this game desperately needs an official announcement of something...anything.
  24. they busy working on a PsP and nintendo switch port.
  25. i think it is maritime law to get naked and feed the sharks before bed. 10/10 ultra realistic pirate sim hehe
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