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Everything posted by LaoArchAngel

  1. I use the following command to launch my Linux server and it works. ./ShooterGameServer Blackwood?QueryPort=57550?Port=5750 -log -server -NoSeamlessServer However, if I try to run this exact same command with any mods in my GameUserSettings.ini, I get this message: LowLevelFatalError [File:H:\YARKUpdateBlackWood\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Linux\LinuxPlatformProcess.cpp] [Line: 652] FLinuxPlatformProcess::WaitForProc: waitid for pid -1 failed (errno=22, Invalid argument) Signal 11 caught. EngineCrashHandler: Signal=11 Segmentation fault (core dumped) For the record, in my GUS, I'm adding my mods as follows: [ServerSettings] ActiveMods=1745633279 It doesn't seem to matter which mod I'm adding or how many. I know this works in Windows because that's how the GUS file has mods when starting a single-player game.
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