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Danny Lecroix

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About Danny Lecroix

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  1. Hi me and friend were out hunting the ghost ship yesterday our first attempt it lost hp as it should but we had to retreat for repairs alowing it to become invisible in day time, after that i nthe next cycle we lined up our galleon ready to sacrifice it and putting nearly 400cannon ball into the only to have it take 0dmg and we lost our galleon for nothing. after that we went trough 3 more night cycle folowing it in a brigantine. were it would take no dmg until the 4 cycle but that only happen once it passed trough a zone while visible until that point it took no dmg. once we finnaly killed we did not receive our power stones nor the discovery points all we got was the ghost hunter skill. and to top it off we almost lost our brig to that fight barely scraping it together. would be nice if we atleast got the discovery points and the power stone for the kill our ingame names are: Danny Lecroix Krissbo Løspung were playing on pve eu the whales solitude
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