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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/2021 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Please stop doing things that encourage players to stay docked. Do you even watch your player counter? It’s dropped on this patch and not increased. I’m in a larger company gold cost doesn’t effect me that much but it effects a whole lot of others. People are now afraid to lose their ships. Now that bp drops are trash I don’t want to take out my mythical boats because replacing them is now a huge chore. You say you want people to sail and be on the ocean well stop doing things that make people not want to sail!! p.s your new ship direction is trash dump it before everyone quits. This games one and only major selling point between other games in the same genre is building and customizing your ship to your play style. That’s it that is what you’re selling. you say markets produce enough gold to make ships. Okay. Then why are so many players unable to place warehouses and markets because of radius mechanics? A schooner is a base level decent ship make it cost 500 gold or something. Getting on the ocean with a decent boat is way to hard for new players and smaller companies. The ocean is boring nobody is sailing. If I lose a brig oh well that’s sucks was fun but I will have another in about 30 minutes. Small companies lose a brig fuck this I quit it took me weeks to months to get that gold. THAT IS A HUGE PROBLEM DEVS.
  2. 2 points
    That means you’re loading your boat way to heavy with the wrong setups. Your boats are most likely specced role play because if someone barrels me I laugh at them and take off their broadsides or sails. I would be happy to give you some pointers I just feel like you’re doing some very common mistakes that can be fixed pretty easily. If I see a barrel boat and they happen to be faster than me I ain’t shooting cannon balls I’m going for sails because they have to get close to be effective. With the fire bolts now doing damage to sails it is something they have to address and it’s very easy to prevent a barrel boat for coming in close enough to barrel you. If their sails are burning they have to address it right away or they are a easy sink. So either they have to grid, drop sails entirely, or use water barrels to put them out and while they are messing with their sails they become a easy distracted target. If someone is using their speed against me and they are much faster than me well in playing slow game. That means I’m turning my sails out of the wind and moving very slow so either they give up and go on their way or they get greedy and get close enough. If someone is faster than you then simply don’t play the speed game and slow down the fight. What I mean by turning sails out of the wind is just turning the sails to yellow, orange, or red but keeping them at full open. You can turn your speed sails back into the wind much faster than you can open or close sails and will give you pretty quick acceleration to avoid or dodge. way too often I see players trying to play the speed battle with a ship that is faster than them and you will lose that fight almost every time. Slow down the fight keep your broadsides aimed in their direction since you know they have to get close and you don’t.
  3. 1 point
    TBH idk how u have such low return on your market. I make 20k gold a day with one 30g trade route partner. 1x1 metal and wood. I think you need to work on that. Tentacles are easy we have an xbox player who got a kraken boat solo the day it came out. Also if no squid are in the trench kill jelly fish and sharks will clear the squids to spawn. Sea horses do work btw
  4. 1 point
    =/= meta... more power to you, we do the same thing with our PVP ships vs SOTD, but dedicated SOTD-ships uses the back cannon meta... for obvious survival min/max reasons... we all hate it... the problem is the dumb design of the SOTDs... and again the gold ships are not the modular ships... they just play around with the same intended section repair system... have not seen the modular ships yet... but if the actual modules have buff/debuffs the combination of modules makes 'thousands' of combinations for unique ship designs... not that BS structure spam we have right now and not use because of the weight meta...
  5. 1 point
    - obviously not a PVE ship... no back cannon for SOTD farming... - damage system is still not equal to the old ships... still has to be tuned and the old ship system be removed... but we will have to wait for the new modular ship system... (these are gold ships = different) - Majestic Kraken max speed is 21kts... old ships are 24-26kts... not a PVP ship... but sign of the things to come: slower ships in grid, but wind highways for sector travel...
  6. 1 point
    When professionals of any profession reach a level in anything they are deemed qualified up to a certain standard. I do not believe that the people originally working on Atlas were the pinnacle of the programming world (that's not meant as a slur on them in any way either). For one it is a breakaway from an ark dlc, and for two if there was such a uniquely skilled programmer, they would probably still be working on Ark. Meaning they would probably still be available in some way. I have a relative who is at the top level in programming, when they applied for the job they have now, there were over 3000 other applicants with almost the same credentials.
  7. 0 points
    If you interested, I have like maximum 8 trading routes since Jan-16, and within a month my market produced 21 000 gold. So... in order to buy this new Kraken ship for 22K and 75 squid tentacles for 50K - I should wait inland for almost 3.5 months : ))
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