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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Ahoy Pathfinders, News from the Cabin First and foremost, we’d like to thank you all for your continued support of the game. We know it’s been an arduous journey and we’re very grateful to you for sticking through us through all the storms and chaos. It’s been a while since our last post and today we’d like to give you a brief update. The future of ATLAS is packed full of adventure! Our plan is to continue to update the game with many patches, varying from; massive new features, new items, bug fixes, balance changes, and quality of life improvements. Today we’ll be rolling out a new major version. This will include a new item for ship combat, some balance changes, quality of life improvements, as well as miscellaneous bug fixes and updates. LATEST Patch NOTES NEW Item: Ballista Flame bolt - Sets fire to sails - Can hit a sail with multiple bolts and add multiple fire buffs - Fire can be extinguished by Olfend (or a bucket if you can get one up there) - Fire can be extinguished by fully closing the sail - Fire buff will not stick during rain or snow - Fire bolts can also set fires on other structures, creatures, and the ground (and will damage the mast if hit there instead of the sail) Balance Changes - Decreased oil jar weight - Increased torch damage - Increased flame arrow damage Quality of Life Changes - Added Ship Heading indicator on the map when on captain's wheel - Improved skill tree search UI when using a gamepad - Skill tree: When searching for craftables, you now see ALL results, even if you have not unlocked a craftable. Double-click to go to the skill in the tree - Olfend: added water capacity numbers over droplets icon for extended HUD info, so the rider can see water quantity - Added item descriptions with helpful gameplay-relevant info (the first batch includes 80 items, more to come in future patches) Bug Fixes & Misc - Main menu exit highlight now works on mouseover - Removed marine sublevels from server cook, so players stop bashing their ships into invisible underwater rocks near the shore - Bottom rows on server grid select UI are now properly clickable - Scaled-down seagull slightly when carried (was too big) and removed takeoff particles when tossed from shoulder - Fixed bug where flame arrow flame buff would desync when shot at a moving ship and be visually "left behind" - Fixed bug where oil slick from tossed oil jar would desync when hitting a moving ship and be visually "left behind" - Olfend: fixed issue where if you break out of the drink animation by moving around, the drink "ripple" vfx stays active on its snout - Olfend: tweaked water amounts when adding to or drinking from a water barrel - Olfend: improved trace when rider sprays water, so it can hit fires above it easier (needed to fight those ballista flame bolts - Bird taming improvements, including preventing them from immediately fleeing after bola release when they should attack instead - Fixed bug where in-progress sail canvas repairs do not continue after transitioning - Fixed bug in crop plots where fertilizer amount shows 0 after save/load - Resized large crop plot mesh so it is actually larger than the small crop plot (visual update only, no changes to footprint/collision) - Tutorial UI: fixed button label text not clipping when scrolling - Changed tribe member offline duration string to better fit the UI - Ammo container HUD tooltip displays ammo types only if amount > 0 in the container - Fixed a bug where water barrel was always being placed with 3000 water - Re-added missing Tools folder to Steam PC client (LocalizationManager) - Fix: Ammo container HUD shows text "Press [LeftShift] to switch between ammo types" when looking at an ammo container on a ship after getting on/off a turret Happy Sailing, - ATLAS Crew For the latest dispatch on #playATLAS keep yer one good eye trained on this here information Natter n' chatter on Discord: https://discord.gg/playatlas Hear ye, hear ye on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sailtheatlas Watch us scallywags on Twitch: http://twitch.tv/sailtheatlas Plus ye can band with us Pirates on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playatlasgame
  2. 1 point
    Hey Grapeshot, Believe it or not, many of us are still playing ATLAS. It seems like it's been ages since we have heard anything from you. Are you OK ? Do you still have a job ? We miss you and hope your doing OK. On a more serious note have you played Atlas recently ? If you have you may have noticed when you sail, very often your schooners sail under water in light seas. I expect the bow to get spray now and then, but having the entire boat disappear underwater just isn't right. Your last patch was February 6th and surely there are tweaks that are needed and suggestions from players to make game better. Although we have enjoyed the endless 2X harvesting, we also look forward to new content and improvements. On a side note, wouldn't it be great if we could break the hull of sunken treasure ships on those occasions when the hull is buried and there is no access to the treasure chest ? Or maybe ways to challenge claim flags like the good old days, or maybe just have the islands in the Lawless opened up to claiming. So many possibilities. Things like that would be nice, although I'm sure players could suggest a plethora of ides if you were only here to hear them. I do hope your OK and will return soon. We all do miss your Captain's Log and other communications. I hope your new road forward, wasn't a dead end. Your beloved player gumbyc
  3. 1 point
    While i fully understand the rage and hate aimed at the noob idiot(300hrs ingame,lvl 52 on public, thx)-after all the toxic community is here from day one- i didnt ask for advice how to survive.i was really asking a question, though. Where did the PC Bug forum go? Thx for sharing insights anyway. Naturally the trolls hate everything. I really loved this game for a long time and i hope it gets on track eventually. @Muppetish appreciated @Cap’n Ro thx. I said coat by purpose. Of course it was a mythic piece of fur armor. But my point is. Even while i should be denied the special armor buffs until i have the skill.it should still double as a plain coat against the cold for everyone. In my eyes a concept flaw/bug.
  4. 1 point
    I agree. The game, needs some kind of way to contribute money, to the game itself, because the designers and programmers do not live from the air (as I know), and without that incoming money, there is no way to dedicate staff to make the improvements and energize the game. What could perhaps be done, through dlc's but I think it would be better, through cosmetic shopping. And it might be useful, on the PVE server to activate a PVP mode that required extraordinary activation for a while, that enabled naval battles, for players who want, but without forcing those who don't want, maybe even so , the PVE and PVP populations could be joined without any of them resenting too much by giving the game new life. Also, I'd like to see a new type of boat like a frigate, which was a bridge between the brig and the galleon. And of course, other sizes of larger sails, to avoid having to put 6 masts on depends on which boats.
  5. 1 point
    Nowhere near good enough to get me back playing Atlas or the majority that left the game months ago. A few fixes or changes here and there is not going to entice me back I'm afraid. The way the have treated the community it should have been a big update and a huge turnaround in the way the game plays which could possibly mean another wipe, that's what would bring me back. No new content, no new items, the new flames to the sails doesn't do it for me. Where is the change of direction they said was going to happen? What are they working on? When are these updates being rolled out? Where is the SORRY to the community for abandoning them? Give some pathnotes and hope all is forgiven, nope people have shown their feelings by leaving and I doubt they will be back in any hurry. I can tell you now as soon as New World is released you can bring as many updates as you want, I and many others won't be back. Stick it up your a***.
  6. 1 point
    It's a shame SotD don't have sails. Another item of no use to 1/2 the player base.
  7. 1 point
    at least they could make a statement about the situation and not leave the community without any information during month and a false roadmap story ;d
  8. 1 point
    i'm a slow player, and I've not finished it yet. I also know the majority of the bugs and how to avoid / get around them. And quite frankly I enjoy it for what it's is at the moment so I'll keep playing until I finish or get bored. Saying that I won't be touching anything this dev team does in the future, I've lost all trust in them. I can totally understand this Erik guy, getting brought in to sort out a game they have no idea in what direction to take it, then stripping his team to work on another game. That's just rude.
  9. 0 points
    Make the game be actually any good People continue buying the game because it is good. There is plenty of examples for this. ??? Profit Atlas is a dead and forsaken wasteland because it delivers a truly staggeringly shitty experience. It once had potential, but that was thwarted by boneheaded design decisions. Suggesting to bring out paid DLCs to make yet another cash grab, from the people who already paid for this crap, for a game that couldn't be any further away from what it was promised to be, is just plain unethical. Or i could just be too angry to catch any far too subtle sarcasm here. If they had made the game suck less for great a many of players, they wouldn't even be in this awkward position to begin with. Now they shall fuckin lay in the bed they made themselves!
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