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  1. 1 point
    I mean, not only is hunting the ghost ship super boring, from what iv'e seen of other people encountering it, it doesn't even seem like there is any carrot at the end of the stick here, just an empty feeling. So this is how our first go at it went, after extensive research into anything ghost ship related. Knowing the route that it takes, not thanks to anything in-game, 3 of us tried looking for it. The first thing that hits you is how annoying fog is, and I would not be surprised if the ship sailed right past us in one of the 5+ total-no-visibility fog situations we encountered in the 3 hour search. Our search started in its spawn grid, and I sailed backwards along its supposed route as best as I could. That is when the second problem hits you, accuracy. I have no idea how closely you need to follow the route without risking the ship being out of render distance, and with all the ship of the damned in the way, I repeatedly found myself way off course, probably another situation where it might have slipped past us. We also have no idea how long it takes for the ship to do a full loop around, but using our estimate of about ~4 hours+ on average to go half the route in our brigantine with 2 fine large handling and 1 BP common large weight, and assuming that the ghost ship is slightly slower, I estimated about a ~5-~6 hour average for it to make half the route. This would mean, that even in the worst case scenario, you should encounter it, at most, after ~4 hours of sailing against its route, yet we did not see it at all, so my only assumption is that we missed on the route, or our scout missed it re-spawning. I will go on and assume it is way more likely we missed it on the route though, as every grid had an average of 2-3 players playing, and most of the time, 2 of them were us, meaning that I don't expect anyone to have taken it out, so our scout at spawn had nothing to miss. Being glued to the screen for 4 hours straight without any chance of rest without the risk of losing any potential progress, along with the fact that you have no idea where the ship might be along this ~8 to ~10 hour route is just incredibly frustrating. Not to mention that after giving up, we now have to start from scratch again, and we have nothing to show for our efforts Our next step is to just have more ships stationed around to help scout it, but we are limited to 3 players, and I can't imagine how boring this would be of an undertaken if you were by yourself. So our strategy will be to use our 2 brigs to sail against the route, while having a third scout vessel at its spawn location. Even though we somehow failed to find the ship in our first attempt, at least our briggs are now on opposite sides of the square frame that the ghost ship sails through, so at most, we would have to waste 4 hours of mindless sailing. 4, very boring, mindless, hours of sailing. Commenting that "you could just do something else while looking for the ship" is not acceptable, as doing so would not only put our entire efforts at risk, but also mean that we will have to spend even more precious time on this quest. And even worse, if we get distracted, and the ship sails past us, there is practically no chance of us finding it in that sessions without spending another ~4+ hours, assuming we can keep our 2 briggs equally distanced while following the route ( I somehow doubt that is going to happen). I have a few suggestions on what I would do to at least make it less tedious. Bear in mind that I don't care about PvP concerns such as ganking players trying to undertake this quest. I remember people in Sea of Thieves messing with other people just to prevent them from accomplishing certain quests, so it does need to be considered, but that is not my job Limit the route to either a 2x2 grid area. Not necessarily the best idea, as I assume the ghost ship will attack players on sight? Add more routes. Pretty simple, have more routes, though I would still make them waaaay shorter than a trek that takes the ghost ship the estimated ~10 hours. Make a 3x3 grid frame around each golden age server where a ghost ship spawns. Makes it a lot more likely that players actually happen to encounter the ghost ship naturally, as golden age servers already draw in combat ships due to higher level SOTD. I would not let them go through the golden age area though, as those are already stressed/saturated enough. Give us in-game tools to find the ghost ship. I guess this would likely be fitting for the tarot card system or another use for the sextant?, but just anything that can lead us to it so we don't feel like we are just wasting time sailing into nothingness. Have more than one ship on the current route? I know the ship is supposed to be special, and having a new ship spawn every in-game day at 06:00, or whenever, would quickly saturate grids along the route with ghost ships, also making it so people would not bother hunting it, but just camping the spawn area. This leads to another suggestion though, just have it spawn in a certain grid and then have it sail around, requiring players to take it out before it de-spawns? Adding a specialized grid for it is obviously not ideal, but at least have an area on the map that clearly shows where it spawns so players can actually find it consistently. Who knows, maybe this might also be a good way to group up players to take on the ship alongside people outside their company? And this is not really as much a suggestion as it is just pure inspiration. Play some Sea of Thieves, that game pretty much nails it when it comes to feed-forward for world events like bosses and similar encounters. Make some kind of in universe environmental effect that indicates something might be going on there. A permanent light fog that follows the ghost ship, and appears in a sizable area around the ship, so that you can see it from far away. Or a light beacon, or sound effect/ambiance. Or as some of the Sea of Thieves encounters happen, they come to you. Obviously not the best idea given how unstable Atlas is, making you lose your ship, 100% guaranteed if you crash while at sea and just about anything is chasing you. The point is just: make some reliable, re-usable tools that can empower us to find these kinds of encounters within the game, without the need for a wiki and reverse engineering of game mechanics, just so we have a shot at actually succeeding. Make the tools a challenge to obtain as well, so we feel accomplished when we do get a hold on them. Just whatever you end up figuring out, don't keep asking us to watch paint dry, it really sucks. UPDATE: Following the suggestion of going to the marker you get by selecting the quest, we tried again, but surprise, nothing... again. This is where the marker has been within a time span of about ~8 hours (after re-checking it the day after we didn't find it the second time) : Which does not even come close to the route it is supposed to be going along as of 23/06/2019: So, I guess the marker is either broken, or just a red herring... great. I guess it was a red flag when we noticed the marker was standing still while approaching it, not to mention how it is so far away from the supposed route.
  2. 1 point
    Dear OP, Jack Kerouac outlined “the essentials of spontaneous prose” before he wrote “On The Road”. I think you might enjoy reading that.
  3. 1 point
    Your not missing anything underwater stuff is a bitch to raid. You can.. use explosive barrels in some fashion by dropping them on it, or cannons will hit underwater, the cannon ball however is no longer visible, so just shoot at it till you get numbers and keep the cannon aimed there.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    We’re happy to be able to share another update. We have the issue fixed with Microsoft and are good to go on our end! We are submitting for immediate release. The game therefore should be available in, hopefully, under an hour (it takes some time to process), and the servers will be put online as soon as we confirm the game is available. We don’t have full control over exactly when that happens but we’ll keep you all in the loop on the progress. Thank you for your support. Almost there!
  6. 1 point
    ExploreAtlas is back online Work is being continued to bring the site back to its full functionality. You may notice that there is aspects that aren't complete or are missing data. We're working to bring those back in the coming days. However, we thought it would be best to get the site back for you with a couple of weeks worth of missing data for now. We can assure you that there will be many changes and we've heavily invested in ensuring a similar occurrence does not happen in the future. Though; please note - we will be prioritising certain areas over others. It is also worth noting that some of you may need to re-register on the site as our backups didn't contain every user. We'd like to reach out to everyone for their kind words and gestures and we apologise for all the inconveniences caused by the downtime. During this time; we'd like to encourage any errors on the site to be sent to #bugs in our discord so we can address those. We couldn't be more thankful for such an awesome community!
  7. 1 point
    Till today I wanted to call the Ghostship a myth, finally found it today, ty for the updated map you shared with us, made the search less hard and anoying. Speed of ghostship seems to be faster then the trader, one canonball of the GS deals 2500 DMG to structures on ship without dmg reduction. Seems like 50-100 Cannonballs are more then enough to carry for killing the GS (think I needed lessen then 24) PS: To the other guy : was an nice race^^ I ´m shure you soon find another one
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