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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2019 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    So, reason people are stopping an EA game is because of EA?
  2. 3 points
    Did you know that you can ATTACH A TORCH TO a SADDLE? Do that with your bear saddle and enjoy the torch floating above your bear's back: Oh... and here is my CREW controlling SMALL HANDLING SAIL placed in front of my Schooner. I hope he feels comfortable down there: The thing I hate in Galley in Atlas - amount of masts. I mean seriously. Bigger ship DOESN'T mean more MASTS! There are more complicated sails, more yards, etc, but in most cases THERE ARE JUST 3 MASTS (i know there were ships with even more than Galleys have here but those were just an exceptions). Check the Pirates of the Caribbean. Even biggest royal ship with 2 rows of gunports have 3 masts: There was a pirate game Corsairs before. The BIGEST WARSHIP in a game had just 3 masts: And what we have here?
  3. 3 points
  4. 3 points
    i will deinstall as fast as i can after this info!
  5. 3 points
    This is specifically for the official PVE servers. The land conquest is a PVP mechanic. It works great in PVP. The competition between companies is great...for PVP. In PVE it results in everyone taking every bit of land they can get and: -hoarding it for themselves so they can tax anyone using "their" land even if they have no structures on that land. And for bragging rights as the largest land owners. -renting/selling it off to players not fortunate enough to find land to claim -griefing other players to make them quit the game to give up their land. Unlimited land claims do not belong in PVE gameplay. There needs to be some limits on them in PVE gameplay. If you want to leave in Unlimited land claims then there needs to be a significant upkeep cost to owning more than X number of claims per person (I will not define the number here, I will leave that to the devs). If you want to keep the leader boards, make it actually an accomplishment to claim and maintain claims over that much land...not just what you happen to find or steal from others. This has made the new player experience completely shit on PVE servers. To get any land you are forced to: 1. join a company with whatever rules it has. Not everyone wants to join a company. 2. rent land from land owners where you have no control over their ability to lock you out of your ability to build your structure. And that usually comes with living under a taxed area on top of the price you pay to rent. 3. buy land from land owners for whatever price they think is appropriate. 4. Hope to find someone willing to give you land. My efforts have run across two groups promising to do this so far....both ended up not giving me land. 5. steal land from players who might not log in every day. And to do this you have to find land to steal...so you have to endlessly search each and every island hoping to find something to take from someone else. And to do this you have to deal with the bugs involved with land claiming currently...which means sometimes you have absolutely no idea how long you have to wait to declaim it. 6. live in lawless and deal with the bullshit foundation and pillar spam and people demolishing everything you worked for if you happen to not log in every 4 days. This is not a PVE game...this is a neutered PVP game....you just can't kill people directly. Fix this. Give us a proper PVE game with mechanics that don't pit us against each other. Also, a legitimate (not third party) single player option would solve this problem for a lot of PVE players. And yes, I know about unofficial servers. I am helping build a new map for an unofficial server. The existence of Unofficial servers does not excuse the devs from creating a proper PVE game for the people on the official servers.
  6. 2 points
    Ok, so the situation went from bad to worse. First, there were ships being sunk everywhere due to griefers. That needed to be fixed. I get that. However, the net result of that fix has backfired. Over the weekend I went with some others to the FoY. They were able to get it, I was not. One of the HUGE reasons I wasn't was lag. That lag was caused by the hundreds... yes HUNDREDS (I'm not exaggerating) of ships parked around the FoY entrance. Now I don't have a great video card, I've got a good one. Trying to render all of those ships, I was barely getting 5fps. For over two weeks I had an abandoned schooner parked in my harbor blocking a good portion of it. It took a support ticket to get it moved. I still have several RSloops and rafts parked along my claims. One RSloop belongs to a company that has 0 members (we invited them to the corp and didn't 'merge'). Travelling around the map I've encountered numerous lawless islands that look more like a ship salvage yard than a collection of harbors. These ships cannot be moved, sunk, boarded, SotD'd, hurricane'd, shark smacked... etc. They are more that just an eyesore. They are a render and server lag inducing mechanism that needs to be fixed. Proposal: If your ship is parked on your claim, it does not decay as per current rules. Freeport decay rates begin 2 hours after arriving in a freeport grid. That gives you 2 hours to conduct your business. If your ship is parked on a claim you do not own after 72 hours, it begins to decay at freeport rates. For each ship parked on a claim you do not own, the decay timer is is divided by 2. 4 ships on a claim you do not own, decay begins in 9 hours (making raft spam much less of a problem). If your ship is parked where no claim exists and you have not been in the area, after 72 hours it begins to decay at freeport rates. For each ship parked where no claim exists, the decay timer is is divided by 2. 4 ships on a claim you do not own, decay begins in 9 hours (making raft spam much less of a problem). If your ship is parked on a lawless and you have not been in the area, the same with structures, it begins to decay after 3 or 4 days (not sure what the structure time is on lawless) at freeport rates. If your company has build rights on a claim, it does not decay as per current rules. Ships that exist on a claim when the ownership of that claim changes, after 72 hours they begin to decay at freeport rates. Alternate: Instead of accelerating the decay, the ships become unanchored and thus, sinkable or claimable. Whatever the solution, something needs to be done to fix this. The number of anchored ships that do not go away is becoming untenable.
  7. 2 points
    You wasted one night and didn't really lose anything. You still have your ship so I call that a win, myself. Myself and two others spent one night sailing across the map during a double gold weekend for 2 Journeyman maps worth 1.7k each, which we successfully managed to dig up. The next day with a heavy belly of 9-10k gold we decided to stop off at an island and collect some resources for repairs and I bet you can guess what happened. It wasn't cyclones, elementals, or SoD's that did our poor ship in ... it was a fucking sand-bar. The ship ended up bumping into a sand-bar and in the process of turning around it glitched into it, resulting in the entire ship exploding with 3.5K-4k damage down it's entire length and shattering practically every plank in the span of 3 seconds and sinking in the next 15 seconds. By time we had died/fast-traveled back to base and returned with a second ship and hour or so later, someone had sailed up and picked over our entire ship. All of the gold, every piece of equipment, every plank, and scrap of wood was gone. You sailed across the world and lost a night of playtime. I sailed across the world and lost 2 nights of playtime, a Schooner, 2 Bears, all of my and my company's equipment, and all the gold that we had managed to dig up. I simply used the night as an excuse to build a new ship design that I wanted to try out, Early Access comes with set-backs and I knew that going into the game. I'm not going to quit because I found a bug ... I'm going to report it and continue testing, waiting for the day when the bugs are something that you run into on VERY rare occasions.
  8. 2 points
    Yeah SoDs (and maybe whales too?) are basically not loading until my galleon is within firing range of them. It has really made sailing insufferable as I'm forced to take tons of cannon fire for no good reason which means *lots* of materials wasted on repair and a real risk to my ship. I'm not sailing around like this.
  9. 2 points
    I would like to suggest a structure that can be added to boats, unique per vessel, that can vary based on the size of the ship. The structure can be an animal pen that has limited space, each tame will still be counted toward total ship crew but each tame type would count toward a specific amount of space in the secure structure. The structure would need to be on the top deck of the ship. Example, the structure on a brigantine would have 10 effective animal slots. An elephant, giraffe or rhino would cost 5 slots. You could safely store 2 large creatures. A bear would cost 3, so 3 bears. Horse, cat, cow, bull and sheep would cost 2, so 5. Shoulder pets and chickens would be 1, so 10. This would be a way to store creatures for either long voyages or for safety. Each creature gets a unique ID associated with it. The stored creature would drop inventory (except saddle) and would have food storage slots for animals. Their effective weight would still count toward total ship weight, and the structure couldn't be destroyed by the radial menu while it has animals in it. It could still be damaged from PVP and ships of the damned, upon destruction it would release the animals and they'd be relatively injured and/or panicked. We are losing tames while crossing over zone borders. Tames start to glitch, go through ceilings, fly off vessels or sink to the ocean floor and die. This would prevent a lot of vanishing tames, tames lost at borders or those that end up dying when you are trying to get them on board. Sure, you can build a platform and walk them on board now but if you are out harvesting or adventuring you risk losing them when sending to a ship, or whistling them on to a ship. It's just unreliable and glitchy. There could also be a variety of stables, barns or other structures for bases where we could store tames. Same damage rules would apply, similar limits. Other games have structures like this where you can store pets, tames, livestock etc, in a somewhat safe place. (Life is Feudal comes to mind)
  10. 2 points
    I'll admit it, I'm a lousy player but I started playing the first day. It took me awhile to figure out how to get out of freeport. Once I did, we went to a lawless island and struggled over the 10 trees on the island (remember no trees) to build a sloop. In the mean time others were spamming flags all over the oceans and islands and claiming. Once we were able to get around there was no land to be found. How can you justify players with 100's, 1000, or 3000 claims ? The tax system is stupid, what kind of pirate pays taxes ? Just because you got there first ? They need to fix the claiming system and free up more land. It's a mess now and I don't know how they are now going to take claims away from some that have way more than they need. I've also been to island where there is plenty of land away from the shore, but again it all flagged. I also think the 21 day expiration system is way too long. How about those of us that play every day ? These land grabbers can play and only log in for a minute every 20 days and keep the land tied up. This even happens on lawless. It's funny, on the islands where all the land is taken with 21 day timers there is nobody playing. Nobody is around for the most part, why ? I love this games, I love sailing around and exploring, I just wish there was land to claim for ourselves. For those of you that are land barons who want to rent I say thanks. In many ways, your the exception. Even though I hate the idea of paying taxes I thank you for trying to help others while you help yourself through their hard work, gathering resources. Just MY opinion from a lousy player. Don't hate me for being one and telling you how I feel, be it right or wrong.
  11. 2 points
    I have to agree the patch changed something. I am running an offline copy of official and it only runs servers that I am in, and only when I am on it. So there was no opportunity for damned to build up even though I might not visit it for weeks. There was for sure much much more damned in freeports and lawless usually 6 in view when normally it would be 3. My sloop was lightly loaded so I escaped but it was a two hour journey to cross half a grid as you can only outrun them with the wind, and there would always be another in the way. Devs need to own up to the hidden change, this is not about 'git gud son' it is about fixing bugs and making sure they are not regressing code accidentally as they make feature changes. I suspect what happened is they put in the AI change for the upcoming damned change. If they cannot fix it then they should have the damned turn on each other.
  12. 2 points
    My company only sets up in lawless, and yeah we've found that the community tends to... exist. Most claim servers, we're the only people on the server most of the time, but on Lawless there are people to talk with, trade, help each other out etc. And renting land is just a terrible system, hearing about people getting kicked from land for not making quota for their benevolent overlords. Pass. I'll take Lawless... because at least there everybody has to play by rules (there's irony there)
  13. 2 points
    I'm still trying to figure out how so many animals get on the islands in the first place. I mean it's obvious that no living creature can possibly survive birth without human intervention. So how are all these animals reproducing??? Seriously? They expect us to sit within render range of recently born creatures for what, 36 hours straight? Feeding them constantly, lighting fires all over the place like we're having a barbecue, taking shifts... is this seriously their idea of entertainment? How can staring at a NPC bear for a day and a half be considered fun? They keep saying this is a game about sailing and piracy. Ok, so how does sleep deprivation experiments involving newborn wildlife have anything to do with piracy???? I'd love to get into animal breeding. Right now, the mechanic is beyond playable, it's fucking stupid. You mean that section where you post the report and it's instantly cycled to page 16 where nobody sees it? Good idea.
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points
    I'm on lawless and wouldn't even move now if someone offered me a flag, it's so much better and friendlier. I've built a base and many ships on lawless, we all help each other out on my island and look after each other. Yes you have to log in 1 every 4 days but I'm sure if you're serious enough about playing you can log in at least 1? You will hit a long list of problem on territory claims so I wouldn't bother if I was you until they fix it or server wipe when it comes. You will get people who will say "we can give you land" I would be very cautious trusting people in this way as whatever you build on it they can take it from under your feet if they wish. If you are still only interested in claims then yes make sure you get your own flag and not build on someones land. I have no interest in spending weeks searching islands for flags but good luck to you.
  16. 2 points
    If you’re on PVE, find a lawless island with some space, plentiful resources and vibrant communities. Most claimable sectors are ghost towns with nothing but flag spam. honestly, best thing I did.
  17. 2 points
    Because everyone wants what they want to happen, that's the problem here. Some want it like ARK, some don't, some want want tames and breeding to be focused on, some don't. People cry and complain saying the dev don't listen, but the problem is the community is so split on everything it's impossible for them to please everyone. This thread is a perfect example, the community is all over the place, but they expect the devs to do as they say and threaten and us number as in someways of blackmail to get what they want. From what i've seen, This game will die if they do focus on breeding or if they don't focus on it, This game will die if they do focus on tames or if they don't focus on them The game will die if they do focus on solo/ smalls groups or if they don't focus on them Damned if they do, damned if they don't situation right now imho
  18. 2 points
    Top companies dont mean better players. Means they got there first and cohersed more ppl to join and there is now way in hell any of those top 10 utilize the amount of claims they have. It is nothing more than a greedy grab for an ego boost that cost most of the other "PAYING CUSTOMERS" from being able to own a fair share. Justify it all u want but ppl play free world type games to be e free and do what they want not pay bullshit taxes to ppl who either have too much time on their hands or happened to flag spam first, or some of the top potentially even worse used dirty tactics to take it.
  19. 2 points
    Latest few patches were all A > B, reverted to B, back to A, reverted to B. But.. clearly they won't change because you see the future. Not sure why you are all crying about using tames. They are as support in this game, to make life easier. You can certainly play without any taming, nobody is forcing you to tame stuff or invest points in the skill tree that is for taming (which is in the game and yet you complain that they don't want tames?) And complaining that "people quit because it's a tame game" really ? Most I know of didn't even care about the tames. They cared that the flag system is broken, you cannot get land unless some other poor creature quits the game and other players can just spam flags with no upkeep for them, look at "top PVE companies" which are basically who can spam more flags. They cared that you could sink a galleon with a hatched. They cared that anchored ships could be sunk by weight glitch if you spent a night on another region, or even in front of your own base. They cared that resource distribution is broken (you can find all you need in the central regions without ever having to venture too far, unless you wanted to kill pinguins for oil). They cared about the fact that griefing is real but company want to "handle issues that cause the griefing". As if they can only do 1 thing at a time. They cared about bugs that made you pull your hair (falling through floors, tames flying to the sky, "shoot at ships only" option not working, discoveries bugged, map meshing, flame arrow OPness, etc). Cared about the laggy servers when 20+ people were on a single region, let alone a full 150 lag fest. Cared about disconnect issues, crashes, etc. Not one of them cared about having a tame or not. Most of the people that play Atlas CAME from Ark. And if you think otherwise you are fooling yourself. Atlas is about ships. Nobody cares HOW you build the ships as long as you don't want to shoot yourself if you lose one. Easier to build ships = more PVP and happier people. Hard to build ships = people will run and get depressed when they lose it. Do try to remember it's a freaking game!
  20. 1 point
    so i saw in the patch notes that devs seem to be making tames an even more of a must have thing. i dont care that people want tames, my problem is that they seem to be making it so u cant live without them and i dont want to be forced to use the damn things
  21. 1 point
    I finally understood why there are fewer and fewer players in this game!!! This is just my personal advice. First of all, the idea of this game is very good, to explore and survive in the beautiful islands and the endless ocean. However, the numerous bugs that appear in the game will completely stop you. For the high-quality treasure, today my partner and I spent several hours sailing to the north side of the map N4 (NA PVE), when we activated the monster, the monster was blocked in deep underground, the treasure location cannot be excavated. (The excavation site should be in the same place as the monster activation, but we can't drill to the damn underground). Therefore, not only were we wasting a night, thousands of gold coins could not be obtained!
  22. 1 point
    Our company's allies are reporting the same issue. It's frustrating to have my large cannons firing on stuff that isn't even loaded in.
  23. 1 point
    We also see this issue. Too many SotD spawns in groups, sometimes 10 around our ship. Today the SotDs spawns directly next to our ship. With no wind and fog you don't even have a chance to escape...
  24. 1 point
    TL;DR Stop making wild changes to tames/gathering and follow a set formula, X (Amount Gathered) / 5 Minutes (Static Amount of Time Spent Gathering) = Gathering Rate Higher Quality "Tools", whether actual tools or tames, should yield higher results over that set amount of time. ------------------------------ So, at this point, I've seen you remove weight reduction, add weight reduction back, change base weight and more to creatures. There is a simple formula that should be used to solve this problem and you just don't seem to be using it. The grind in this game is real, no matter what I want to do, everything comes back to having to gather more resources. You should at least make it so that as I "progress", or move up in "tool quality", that gathering should feel as if it is less of a burden or at least yielding high results for less work. X (Amount Gathered) / 5 Minutes (Static Amount of Time Spent Gathering) = Gathering Rate Time is the constant, so that is what you should base everything off of. Let's take thatch and the recent Giraffe change into account. There are multiple ways to gather thatch, which are, Stone Pick Metal Pick Low-Level Giraffe High-Level Giraffe Bred Giraffe (At a future time) Then let's take into account the time it takes to acquire these things (Generalized numbers), Stone Pick (2 minutes) Metal Pick (5 Minutes) Low-level Giraffe (1 - 3 hours, taking into account having to sail to locations with Giraffes) High-level Giraffe (1 - 5 hours, taking into account having to sail to locations with Giraffes then a "High-level" one spawning) Bred Giraffe (8 - 30+ hours, depending on how you do the breeding system. If you do it same as Ark, time = infinite if someone wanted perfect stats and to keep the line progressing.) Progression should be rewarded, and it just isn't right now. The time spent acquiring these "tools" should be rewarded with higher gathering ability, and the recent Giraffe update just isn't that. Over a constant time span of 5 minutes, gathering rates should progress so that the "higher quality tools" yield higher results. Right now the time spent attacking with the Giraffe, the attack which acquires thatch, the animation is so much slower than the time spent swinging a pick that the yields are ultimately lower, thus defeating the point of spending 3-4 hours acquiring a Giraffe, let alone breeding and so forth. Gathering rates should be akin to, Stone Pick (5 Thatch per second) Metal Pick (8 Thatch per second) Low-level Giraffe (12 Thatch per second) High-level Giraffe (16 Thatch per second) Bred Giraffe (24+ Thatch per second, depending on Melee level) Right now a Low-level Giraffe and a High-level Giraffe really aren't that different. If you are having problems balancing stats between low level tames and "high level" tames, maybe now you'll see why Ark had a level cap of 150 for wilds (Or at least last I played, Atlas has pretty much replaced Ark for me, although it's pretty much just Ark with 30+ minute waiting times that you call "adventure on the high seas", but that's another discussion). It was so there was enough room in there to balance the difference between a level 1 tame and a level 150. So the next time you try to balance gathering, spend 5 minutes on each method and see if there is solid progression there. If you "upgrade your tool" and don't acquire more of the gathered resource than you did previously over 5 minutes with an inferior tool, YOU DIDN'T BALANCE CORRECTLY. THE JUICE NEEDS TO BE WORTH THE SQUEEZE - Alternatively - Why is gathering the only source of income for resources? If you'd cut those god awful Ship of the Damned out and replace them with ships the same as ours the game would be significantly better. - The Pirate Tree would have more relevance on PvE, and be more useful overall, since taking the increased salvaging perks would actually have a use on PvE. Letting us board / capture NPC ships would be legit (Especially if you added rare spawn ships as I mentioned in a previous post). - Diving would be more relevant, if you made recovering the materials from the NPC ships the same process as if a player ship had been sunk. - You would open up a new avenue of acquiring resources, which could balance out the resource cost of sailing ships. - You could add factions that those ships belonged to, allowing players to join those factions and sink enemies of other factions. - On this note you could combine the PvE/PvP servers together, I mean the PvE servers have to be below 3k players on average, why are you paying for so many servers when they are mostly dead? If players had to join factions to open up PvP then everyone could play together and we'd stop having to play in dead worlds. - Also on that note, faction ships could have "trade routes" or "patrol routes" so that you didn't have so many rando Ship of the Damned sailing everywhere, they are just annoying. It isn't an adventure when every five feet is another ship, it's just tedious. They could also sail in fleets of varying sizes, making some more challenging than others. FYI, the "meta" right now for sinking SotD is to just put cannons on the back of your ship and trail them after you so they can't hit you while you fire back at them, boooooorrrrrriiiiiiinnnng. If they sailed in fleets and in patterns, you'd have to deal with ships coming from multiple directions. - The game would have more of a "Pirate" feel to it, right now your pirate game doesn't feel very "Pirate-y", at least not on PvE. (Which I switched to because you won't region lock China and they just drive the ping up so people can't even fight back) - I feel like Factions and this whole section deserves it's own post, so I'm going to go do that now. In summary, Stop making wild changes to tames and gathering, follow a set formula! (Colors added because I saw someone else do it in their post and it looked pretty)
  25. 1 point
    This is a random glitch that happens at least once every couple days to me - suddenly, you're not able to craft 1 or more items that are inventory craftable. It happens most often with wood ceilings, but that might just be because thats what Ive been crafting the most. I've had stone arrows, storage bins, wood roofs, pillars, etc all not be craftable in inventory. Re-logging doesn't help, about 90% of the time fast traveling to a bed in another server fixes it. The one thing that always seems to fix it is...die. One thing that I would LOVE to have put in, would be to be able to craft personal inventory items, on the smithy. Its annoying that you have to pull the mats off to build something when you have a bench right there.
  26. 1 point
    @Jean Lafitte There is good reason people are not taking you up on your offer, so many have been burned by those claiming to give free land or rent out land. You really can't get that mad about that, it's actually quite understandable. As for lots of land available in PvE... nooo there really isn't. I sail a lot and when making my discoveries I check things out. Flags are not coming up and when they do.. they are coming into negative timers and you can't claim the flag still. Now, I know there is "some" land free down in the tundra lawless areas. But the amount comparable to the whole map.. very little. And let's be honest not everyone wants to live in the tundra/cold areas.. it is rather depressing (or at least I find them very depressing places to be). I know where servers have an average of 5 people max, mostly 3 people in the zone always but whole islands locked down. Seems people are not playing but logging in once a week to just hold the land, because they can. I talked to a couple people who admitted to this. Very shitty if you aren't going to play then just remove the flags. But I realize once again, people are assholes. I do hope the land claims are fixed here soon.
  27. 1 point
    ok do i have to goto every server / tile / square to reset my 4 day timer on my buildings or just log into game to restart all timers ? thanks
  28. 1 point
    There is no way even those large companies could utilize all that land. And there are soo many living in lawless bc there are those who started playing the game and flagged up, or exploited ppl off ect and amassed way more land than is neccessary leaving scraps for the remaining player base. In pvp sure thats fine you can go to war and take it. In pve it just promotes greedy land grab. Im sure top companies have designate bed hopping routes ect just o keep all of it refreshed and make it impossible for others to get that land. We have about 5 claims on one section of land. It has little resources and a high pred spawn. So at best ot is good for leaving ships where they dont decay as fast, and we were lucky to get that. Then we go over places like i7 and i8 and see one or two comps with massive entire islands with tons of locations ppl could build a seaport base. And yall keep saying just rent an area....really as toxic as ppl are in this game you expect ppl to want to one pay in game taxes when we already paid for the game, two u want us to trust that these greedy ppl wont decide hey i think i will take that area and use it myself now and simply turn the flag to company only....there is no protection for ppl to trust even renting. Id like to see some numbers. How many claims and how many members those top companies have. If it is anywhere close to over 5-10 per member it just proves the point that it is just greed to feed "top company" egos
  29. 1 point
    lol 80 flag and 20% taxe so you re part of the ppl who kill the pve if i was living on you re island i would lost 180h gametime if you re a real pve player you know this is wrong btw i dont want land i just dont want to pay stupide tax
  30. 1 point
    EA/Beta has become the go to slang for getting a not full ready product out the door and get cash asap. In many games Beta servers are wiped for each patch and you are asked to test certain areas where they give you certain items. This "EA" is we are playing the game like we would any at a normal launch. This to me is a typical launch: some bugs, some server issues, many patches after first release, and as time will go on less and less patches. I'm failing to see the EA part here.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    I just discovered one BAD THING added to SotD's. Look at the picture below: I took it A MOMENT after SotD appeared. So they greatly decreased they spawn distance (at least twice). The hell, devs! I'm in full speed, this SotD full speed and I didn't have any chance to avoid it aggroing at me. Of course I outrun it but do I need extra random damage to my vessel?
  33. 1 point
    May be enemy ship should automatically sink as anchored in your claim?
  34. 1 point
    I can read from this you are a PvE player. The devs said themselves ‘we don’t want tames to be leading in this game, but more of a small helper.’ They made a patch that completely followed their sight on the game and within no time there were that many (mostly pve’ers) here that they reversed it and now buffed it even more. And no, I don’t have a choice not to since we need to keep up with the other mega companies. The devs are literally forcing us into something we (pvpers) didn’t want and also - what the devs themselved do not want. I’m not sure if the next paragraph is about me, if that is - there’s a lie in the first sentence so I wouldn’t bother reading the rest. And no, easier to build ships is not the solution. I’m pretty sure most PvPers (atleast on our company and ally companies, people hate it, so I can only talk for them). The fact a solo guy can make a completed gally within a day is nothing but ridiculous. And that is without the weekend multiplier. Remember the times when a Gally actually meant something rather than be just ‘one of that many’. I remember, just like I remember that the devs didn’t want tame dependence in the first place. I really thought they’d use crew for the gathering, but maybe (hopefully) we will see that in the future. And btw, before I forget - they have taken away ANY excitement about PvP. Lost your ship? Doesn’t matter, I just make a new one within a day from scratch. Not to mention, if you take planks from our base, you are done within a couple of hours if you take a couple of our thousands and thousands of planks/gunports laying around. Sieging is also that boring now, since you can keep building and keep sending ships over since your resources wouldn’t run out. Sea battles are completely dead, it completely changed the way fights were going down. Way more rambo and way less fun. If people want it, they can have it since I’ll move over to unofficial when I’m completey done on official.
  35. 1 point
    I like the increase in certain zones so I know when I go out hunting I will definitely find what I am looking for. I sail to a couple GA ruins every day and down a dozen or so level 50+ each time. I don't want those zones reduced, but wouldn't mind the non-GA, non-arctic zones to be less infested.
  36. 1 point
    I agree. Too much Sotd. Its impossible
  37. 1 point
    Because it's the only PVP anybody can find! More serious, it's because so many people drive to extreme, opposite end of the spectrum stances that everybody just assumes it gets there. There's only a few clear extremists who hijack threads, and then people feel the need to respond at the same intensity level. Posts like "X seems a bit powerful, maybe dial it down 10% and see what happens" get drowned out in the "People are quitting because of this one thing despite the fact that the game is complicated"
  38. 1 point
    That video just shows you getting wrecked. Legitimately... no hacks about it.
  39. 1 point
    I plan on running a 3x3 with around 50 ppl max , the server is only $234 that is why i was like hmmm Starbuck there is 4 proc. in there look closer you will see them listed
  40. 1 point
    They should buff crews then, not nerf animals. MMO with lots of different routes of progression is a good thing.
  41. 1 point
    For the love of everything that is good in life, don't give me fucking crew instead of tames. "If you want tames go play Ark".. If you don't want tames go play Barbie Island Adventure, see what I did there?
  42. 1 point
    we need the devs to start changing the crew , as i was under the impression they would be used for farming / fighting / etc , would it not make mroe sense , maybe we assign skills to them when we rescue/ buy them i.e crew memebr 1 is resource farmer so he has incresed carry weight , crew 2 is fighter so he has incresed hp / mellee damage , crew 3 is repairer so has increased repair speed etc etc etc , we can maybe go out with the gather crew and they auto gather trees rocks etc they maybe gather from the same things we hit using the attack my target command? as u say this isnt ark and the devs need to move away from tames and use crew ... tames= ark crew = atlas
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
    More like they are coward afraid to take responsibility .
  45. 1 point
    If ARK EA is any compare, then it´s not good. And Atlas is launched in a time with no good new games. If anything it´s only going to get a lot worse. People expected a pirate game with lots of people. Not another zoo keeper game with barren claimed wastelands with 5 people on a server, lags if there are 30. The return rate of players when they first left is very low.
  46. 1 point
    Gooday' peeps. I've been compiling a list of console commands, so I thought why not share the love? So, here you go. Hope it comes in handy. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M-1_faHIrspxrmzfIDDlX7lEcGJE8FiO6MtTHQOu9ks/edit?usp=sharing Please be aware it's still a WIP and I'm still testing a few commands but, most of them work and for some of the ones that don't, there's a generic code to get the base resource.
  47. 1 point
    That wouldn't be bad. Personally though I would prefer instead of these vague levels they instead come in various sizes from the weakest ones being sloops all the way up to a mighty galleon at the highest levels.
  48. 1 point
    Hey everyone similar to to my Ship Build Guides & Designs I decided to make one big post which to update with all my future buildings and their designs. BUNKER BASE Part 1:
  49. 1 point
    This is the old picture/wall of death: And this is what i have transformed it into now
  50. 1 point
    For the narrow minded, there is nothing.
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