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Company Feedback 0.2

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NPC crew,  they would be much more fun if they could use mate, use guns, drums or accordions, basically anything easy to code in will make them more fun.


Doing maps as a company offers no reward over doing them solo.  This has broken up our company quite a bit where people don't join up as much anymore.  Please offer at least a small boost in rewards when we get our company together so they will agree that it's worth it to work together.


A tooltip on the lantern showing the color would help us with community builds.


Steering wheels can be placed anywhere on the ship.  This is a great feature, except placing a steering wheel anywhere in front of the middle of a galleon makes it impossible to see due to the perspective moving towards the front of the boat.  Looking forward in zoomed out mode with the wheel on the front of the ship is impossible due to the sails always being in the way of the view.  Please lock the point of view as if the wheel was placed in the rear of the ship no matter where you place the wheel.



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