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Captain Jack Shadow

PvP Colonies is going to need changes.

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Lost a bunch of our players.  Worked hard to get an island.  The one we wanted.  What we didn't anticipate was that it was to be in the heart of a Mega's territory.  So after taking it, we reach out for an unofficial alliance.  Knew this is what it had to be because they have the official alliance full...can see their company names in chat.  Too many to even have in one alliance for all of their companies.  So one of their leaders talks to us, and gives us a list of who is in the alliance, and who are enemies.  12 hours later, they wiped us.


We we weren't quite to 20 people, but were slowly getting our friends to join. and about about 6 were online when it happened.  5 are gone for sure...forever.  They want no part of this system.  Others are contemplating leaving for good.  Some had stayed up for 36 hours trying to get that island, and get somewhere, only to believe they could get some sleep now that we had "protection."  Then they come on to find everything gone.


The game needs to make factions official.  It basically has this anyway, but not everyone gets to participate in that, and you can't trust them.

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