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pve PVE Land System-A Mess

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While I appreciate the efforts of the team to develop a solution for land claiming on PVE, this system is a mess.  Within seconds of completing my starter building on an island claimed by our company, a new player spawns and builds almost right up against our walls. Yes, we were able to destroy his building, but what if we had been offline when he built?  We work, and some of us cannot get on for a day when working.  I was unable to get on until Tuesday night, having worked for 48 hours.

The current system encourages trolling and foundation/pillar/building spam.

If nothing else, an option on the flag for "No building except allies" or even "No building except company" would be nice, with the company understanding that all upkeep is their responsibility. This would allow folks to land and collect resources, but not troll by pillar/foundation spam, and build right on top of other players. 

Even a HUGE radius of no-build next to enemy structures would be nice. 

I dare say we return to the old flag system for PVE, so that players can stake out claims, build in peace, and have the beautiful views we love on PVE, without being trolled or spammed. There are going to be shipyards on top of each other, clogging the waters, building everywhere destroying resource spawns and the beauty of the landscape.


Please, please reconsider this land claim solution?


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Need a trap to tame animals not available on your island?

Do you want to breed Tames at a small outpost in the correct biome?

Lot's of reasons to build temporary or small buildings away from your home. and you want people to tell you "nope, not on my land"?

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Absolutely.  Tame in the wild rather than a trap.  I would gladly adhere to a no-build rule for someone's island. Better yet, tame what you have on your island and trade for what you don't have.


Edited by y0himba

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Lastnight, i creat my pathfinder and respawn in one of my favourites lawless island (same spot than my last pathfinder in NA PVE). Everything seems so calm and quiet, so i build my base, shipyard and start to travel. The game seems a little more fluid.

I hope to go to a claimed island to see how it works this mechanic, but, for now, lawless it's ok for me.

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I'm with Jack on this one.  Placing the ability to dictate that no one can build on the island at all would completely undo everything that they are trying to accomplish with the current claim system and to many islands would be automatically set to "Company Only" or "Ally Only" leaving no places to build for new players or weekend warriors.  It's to drastic of a action.

I agree that the 12 hour timer is to short especially for PvE and a landowner should have denial rights, but they should be on an individual company basis only.  Some company comes in and pillars the island?  Deny that ONE company build rights and then pop all their pillars.

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On ‎4‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 9:30 AM, Willard said:

Just if someone is interested 🙂


- Fixed an issue with Compass Essence Glow effects not correctly showing
- Fixed Custom Flags not showing their per-pixel paint UI
- Fixed a client-side submarine crash
- Fixed being able to place multiple doors in the same doorway
- Can no longer build on Freeports or Golden Age Grids
- Fixed an issue where Icebergs would show that they were claimable
- Fixed rain and snow not being present on any grid
- crab Fixed a bug which would cause Giant Crabs to vanish if they transitioned to a different server crab 
- Fixed a case where Ship of the Damned would over spawn and eventually cause servers to crash
- Added a small chance of silver when harvesting stone in the Western Tundra
- Can no longer merge above the company member cap
- Water Barrels now correctly gain water when unstasising, if the grid has experienced rain in that time.
- Stone pillars can no longer be placed on ships
- Players can no longer transfer the gold back out of Player Shops
- Fixed 'Scourge of the Damned' being incorrectly awarded.
- Reimplemented ship decay on PvE specific grids/network
- Damaged Guillotine can no longer be picked up
- Fixed a bug which would cause the submarine to fire two bolts
- Fixed a bug which would cause the submarine to stop working randomly
- Players can no longer drag items out of another team's player shop
- Dead players can no longer be decapitated
- Fixed an issue with the weight text being cut off
- Tames and Crews based on ships no longer aggro to SotD
- Lowered landscape around multiple islands to allow for smoother sailing
- Anchor icon now turns green if 100% anchored. 

- Dinghy hangar can now transfer up to 15 stacks of fuel and ballista bolts
- Lowered the dinghy's release ship so that submarines would no longer be floating when released.
- Improved the melee lock position on Turtle
- You'll receive claim flag notifications when someone else settles on your landscape
- Settlement owner is now allowed to insta-demolish enemy structures within 24hours (but not during the combat phase, though the timer will still count down)

PVE Specific:
- Combat Phase and War Declarations have been disabled
- Contesting and Declaiming can take place anywhere on an islands
- Companies are limited to 150 island points, with a 10-day activity timer (temporarily set at 6 hours for testing)


I kinda figured that's how they would do the PVE claim flags. Same as the PVP. Glad I made the choice to go with lawless. I'm not a babysitter, nor do I want to spend all my time grinding gold to pay for someone else to live on my island. Can someone confirm that the structures that others build have a 4 day decay timer or not without owner destroying them?

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Originally by @CoopedUp:


1.)  Give the land-owner the ability to deny build rights or evict a toxic company by recording and inputting that Company's ID Code into an exclusion list, kind of like the old flag system had where you could give permission to a company to build but reverse where you can deny a company.  (This allows for a Company to deny a pillar spammer, but doesn't prevent trap building or starter bases and such)

2.)  When a land-owner adds a Company to the inclusion list that unlocks build limits it also increases a Company's decay rate from 4 days to 16-20 days.  (This allows more casual and smaller companies that are trying to build a "home" to not have to worry about maintaining their structures while on vacation, traveling, or if they can't log in except on weekends.

like this, a lot.  To add to #1, the ability to 'evict' should include an option to destroy all of that company's structures, and automatically add them to the blacklist. I seriously think you are onto something here, and hope the devs see this. @Jatheish



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24 minutes ago, CoopedUp said:

I'm with Jack on this one.  Placing the ability to dictate that no one can build on the island at all would completely undo everything that they are trying to accomplish with the current claim system and to many islands would be automatically set to "Company Only" or "Ally Only" leaving no places to build for new players or weekend warriors.  It's to drastic of a action.

I agree that the 12 hour timer is to short especially for PvE and a landowner should have denial rights, but they should be on an individual company basis only.  Some company comes in and pillars the island?  Deny that ONE company build rights and then pop all their pillars.

The two sides in the claim argument have been whether everyone should get a claim vs. everyone getting "a place to build".  As long as this claim system is in place they have to have the "build anywhere" rules because if not, then neither of those things happen.

I wish they had gone the other way and did something to provide everyone a claim instead.

I don't agree with Jack, though - 

1 hour ago, Jack Shandy said:

Need a trap to tame animals not available on your island?

Do you want to breed Tames at a small outpost in the correct biome?

Lot's of reasons to build temporary or small buildings away from your home. and you want people to tell you "nope, not on my land"?

Lots of reasons to want actual settlers doing good builds on your land and not people building temporary junk and leaving it there, or other ugly junk that they can just return to when they want a tame.

Here's some tips for building on someone else's land:

Don't pick a small island unless you want to talk to the owner first.  Many of these only have 1 or 2 decent buildable spots on the waterfront, and if you take one without asking, it's got a good chance of disappearing.

Check where the resources are before you build something.  They're spawning right in the middle of builds now anyway, but that will probably get fixed.

If you're building something temporary to get a foothold and move on, say so in general chat if there's anyone else on, and destroy your stuff when you go.

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Or:  I wonder if they could implement a deed purchase system?  You can sell a deed to people who you think will be okay on your island. If they don't have a deed, their structures decay in 6 hours, if they do have a deed, 4 days.  Deed can be refunded at any time provided the owner has the gold for a refund.  Tenant has 24 hours to remove stuff they want, then the owner can destroy any structures or let them decay in 6 hours after that. This includes ships/shipyards.


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The way it works is that you can think it is the same on a claimed island, only to discover that that the owner can demolish whatever you build. There seem to be no advantages only additional vulnerability for now.

1 hour ago, y0himba said:

Or:  I wonder if they could implement a deed purchase system?  You can sell a deed to people who you think will be okay on your island. If they don't have a deed, their structures decay in 6 hours, if they do have a deed, 4 days.  Deed can be refunded at any time provided the owner has the gold for a refund.  Tenant has 24 hours to remove stuff they want, then the owner can destroy any structures or let them decay in 6 hours after that. This includes ships/shipyards.


A deed purchase mechanic like in survival + would be nice. That works for PVE.

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8 minutes ago, wandelaar said:

The way it works is that you can think it is the same on a claimed island, only to discover that that the owner can demolish whatever you build. There seem to be no advantages only additional vulnerability for now.

A deed purchase mechanic like in survival + would be nice. That works for PVE.

He can destroy it only 24 hours after u build it. Atlas is game where you play weeks, months to progress. Those 24 hours may seem like a lot at the beginning but it really isn´t. It is needed because owner has to have a chance to remove stuff like foundations or small huts blocking metal etc. and to deal with griefers ofc. Otherwise it would be real mess. 

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None of these systems is as good as just letting people have claims and limiting the number.

There are multiple ways each of the other systems can be abused against people with no claims as well as the people holding the claims.

Deeds and exclusion lists can be used to let nobody at all build on the island.

24 hours destruction  isn't nearly enough from the landowner's point of view.  All some jerk has to do is behave themselves and act normal for 24 hours, then there's nothing someone could do about them.  Vacations?  Sick days? Power outages?  Business trips?  Forget claiming if any of that ever happens to you.

I sell you a deed, I take your money, then I destroy everything you build.  Or if destruction is removed with deeds, I sell you a deed, you start building, and put up a whole bunch of nasty junk, over run your space, build on critical nodes and annoy the other settlers.

None of these work.

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All things considered. I know im gonna take hell for this. They gave people what they wanted mostly. A place to build. Those who wanted claim flags and the system to see who is on top. They did that also.  Those who "need" to have a claim flag. Have one if you want to work for it. I think most people will find when things return to 1x. Upkeeping a claim isn't gonna be worth it and lands will change hands a buncha times. I watched it happen on the PVP PTR. People trying to maintain the upkeep right off the bat found out its not as easy as you would think unless you've played the game for awhile.

Most people will probably jack the tax rate up to 50% so people wont wanna build there. But if you need land. It's there. Big islands. People are gonna have a hell of a time policing every ones builds. To me the incentive is to get people to settle on your island. Gold will come with treasure maps. Now if your lazy and don't wanna do treasure maps. Sure the tax bank might provide adequate income for small islands  but once things go back to 1x. It's gonna be hard to just rely on people doing treasure maps if your island is set at 50% tax rate. Personally if I seen that and had maps on there. I'd throw them out.  

Why would I wanna travel several grids away to do a treasure map when half of it will be taxed away. 

Trying to do multiple systems across multiple platforms is a recipe for disaster. So they have a choice. Get rid of the Dynamic Atlas Map/Claim flag. Go back to ark style. Or try to make it so people have options. You don't wanna be taxed or babysit, live on lawless/ find a nice landlord. Really is there any difference between Lawless and claimed land anymore if you don't own the settlement?

There are plenty of lawless islands out there. Plenty of big islands. Not everyone will toss up a 50% tax rate and some people will genuinely be nice landlords. I'd like to believe that not everyone who games is an asshole. Pillars are gonna happen on both lawless and claimed islands now. It's seriously a damned if you do/damned if you don't scenario. Lets say they gave everyone a claim flag and treated it like the current system with gold upkeep... Do you really wanna farm all the time for upkeep. What happens if you want to have multiple bases. As a lvl 10 with a claim flag. Can you sit there and cover the 50 gold every 12 hours for upkeep? So you go that route. Well everyone lives back on lawless stuff gets spammed out. You can't make it to cheap. People will just fill the personal claim flags with gold....No decay-no land over time.

They can't change it to harvested resources. Reason why-People will stock those tax banks/flags full of stuff and things will never decay out. In the end. It will be the same old song and dance. No land for new people. People bitching about no land.

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I think they need to remove all the lawless islands make them all settlement enabled. This would almost double the amount of space available.  If they then enabled a split or even triple/quadruple settlement on the bigger islands, many of which are already split up in such a way, they could easily share the space.  This in turn would triple the space available for players to settle.

As well as adding the ability to block all, whitelist, allow all players.  + the 24 hour anti griefing measures, which should only be limited to foundations and pillers/gun posts etc. Anything that can be freely placed. incl chests, fires.  Or make it so nothing can be freely placed, except on a foundation.

Edited by Martyn

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all this my island bullshit going around and players trying to ask for more control , whitelist . blacklists , deeds to allow others to build just because you got there the the fastest earliest etc , doesn't give u the right to dictate how and who builds on the islands , this system is retarded , its rubbish ,for pve , pvp fine as u can fight over the islands but pve it wont work and doesnt have a place in this game mode ....

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This PVE land claim system is trash! 30 island points for a solo company, 32 points for a 2 man company... the smallest island is 35 island points! My tribe is 5 people but not everyone is gonna b able to log on the second the patch goes live so we cant even claim an island with just 2 people. We dont want a huge island looking at some 35 pointers or close to that but just think how many members you need to claim a 150 point island?


can any one tell me how the points go up after 2 members?




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Types of deeds:
- my deed/plot
-freebuild deed/plot
-allied deed/plot

I'm not sying this is necessary, but if the devs wanted to facilitate these quite relevanr distinctions through the deeds they could.
Alternatively, they could also manage this effectively at the flag.


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6 hours ago, HateDogg420 said:

This PVE land claim system is trash! 30 island points for a solo company, 32 points for a 2 man company... the smallest island is 35 island points! My tribe is 5 people but not everyone is gonna b able to log on the second the patch goes live so we cant even claim an island with just 2 people. We dont want a huge island looking at some 35 pointers or close to that but just think how many members you need to claim a 150 point island?


can any one tell me how the points go up after 2 members?




18 players is 71

19 players is 74

25 players is 88

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18 hours ago, HateDogg420 said:

This PVE land claim system is trash! 30 island points for a solo company, 32 points for a 2 man company... the smallest island is 35 island points! My tribe is 5 people but not everyone is gonna b able to log on the second the patch goes live so we cant even claim an island with just 2 people. We dont want a huge island looking at some 35 pointers or close to that but just think how many members you need to claim a 150 point island?


can any one tell me how the points go up after 2 members?





11 hours ago, True Sonja said:

18 players is 71

19 players is 74

25 players is 88

Man thats so weird from 18 to 19 it goes up 3 but then some where in between 19 and 25 that changes... wish they explained there systems more in depth instead of just having us find out the hard way

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19 hours ago, Martyn said:

I think they need to remove all the lawless islands make them all settlement enabled. This would almost double the amount of space available.  If they then enabled a split or even triple/quadruple settlement on the bigger islands, many of which are already split up in such a way, they could easily share the space.  This in turn would triple the space available for players to settle.

As well as adding the ability to block all, whitelist, allow all players.  + the 24 hour anti griefing measures, which should only be limited to foundations and pillers/gun posts etc. Anything that can be freely placed. incl chests, fires.  Or make it so nothing can be freely placed, except on a foundation.

Please don't remove lawless. I don't want to rent from someone. Nor do I have any inclination to own an island after the test realm. Could I. Yes. Could I do it right off the bat yes. Do I really care about a claim flag -not really. I might grab one for my company members since they didn't try out the test realm.

18 hours ago, HateDogg420 said:

This PVE land claim system is trash! 30 island points for a solo company, 32 points for a 2 man company... the smallest island is 35 island points! My tribe is 5 people but not everyone is gonna b able to log on the second the patch goes live so we cant even claim an island with just 2 people. We dont want a huge island looking at some 35 pointers or close to that but just think how many members you need to claim a 150 point island?


can any one tell me how the points go up after 2 members?



Small islands are around 15 and 23 points to claim them. Even with the numbers changed. You can still have a claim if you can get there in time. I just looked at the map and scrolled over some of the islands to see what the point cost was for it before they went down. It might not be the island you specifically want though.

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I've just returned to Atlas ( 3 days ago ) to find a whole new map and system. Now I did play when claim towers first got released and it has not improved. On pve you can not get on any islands outside of Rookie cove. Lots of mega companys inhabitating multiple islands and make it difficult or impossible to settle on. You are losing a lot of players as I'm already bored sailing around looking for land to settle on. No I'm not asking for permission to play the game from another player. You either add more land ( will hamper performance, or you seriously limit what companys have. I'm sure you introduced warehouses and the automated buildings to promote trade but still allow mega companies to own and control multiple islands for the resources they don't have at home base. Then they just get it shipped internally with minimal risk. Get rid of the automation or make it possible for every player to achieve regardless of if they solo or a mega. Warehouses should be 1 per company. You want your legendary ship, go farm the other 4 types of wood,metal etc etc or trade for it. But no, these idiots deva yet again pamper the Mega's monopolising everything. You shouldn't have to ask for permission to play a game from another player because he thinks he owns the island. We have all bought this game and if I have to start asking other players for permission, the I want my money back because this is not what I purchased

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On 4/10/2019 at 5:11 PM, Winter Thorne said:

None of these systems is as good as just letting people have claims and limiting the number.

There are multiple ways each of the other systems can be abused against people with no claims as well as the people holding the claims.

Deeds and exclusion lists can be used to let nobody at all build on the island.

24 hours destruction  isn't nearly enough from the landowner's point of view.  All some jerk has to do is behave themselves and act normal for 24 hours, then there's nothing someone could do about them.  Vacations?  Sick days? Power outages?  Business trips?  Forget claiming if any of that ever happens to you.

I sell you a deed, I take your money, then I destroy everything you build.  Or if destruction is removed with deeds, I sell you a deed, you start building, and put up a whole bunch of nasty junk, over run your space, build on critical nodes and annoy the other settlers.

None of these work.

You are not land owners or landlords. Your just playing a game and you want to dictate if others can play where you are. Go in the corner and give your head a wobble. Talk about a bunch of idiots trying to lord it over everybody else

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