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Link discord for island notifications?

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So I see in the patch notes we get notifications now when some one settles on our island. Is there a way to get those sent to a discord or some thing when we’re offline?

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Discord is a 3rd party software - i.e. not property of GS, so message integration is a matter of additional expenses. And not everyone uses it. Many people use TeamSpeak, Skype etc. Apart from this, DS, TS etc. servers may have different permissions - to allow or block messages from unregistered users, pass-protected etc. 

Long story short - forget it.

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3 hours ago, DoubleHelix said:

Discord is a 3rd party software - i.e. not property of GS, so message integration is a matter of additional expenses. And not everyone uses it. Many people use TeamSpeak, Skype etc. Apart from this, DS, TS etc. servers may have different permissions - to allow or block messages from unregistered users, pass-protected etc. 

Long story short - forget it.

I’m not sure that’s true. They said in a captains log it was going to happen. I’m just not sure if it’s already implemented. Scroll down to the notifications section. 

Notification System

  • Players can sign up for email notifications related to company log activity
  • Company Logs that have any physical in-world location shall now include the grid and GPS. (e.g a boat was sunk on K5 at 50 50)
  • Discord Webhook for in game company notifications



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How do xbox players do this?? I can make the webhook but I cant copy and paste it into my xbox sort of confused how we will do that

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