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Claim flags should be a token/inventory item

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In a game where nearly everything is "player created items", it makes little sense that the claim flag is placed using a 0 cost skill. Claim flags should be a token that you purchase in a Freeport for a significant cost, as well as allow additional game mechanics to be built around their transport/placement.

  •  Slow down acquisition and placement of claim flags
  •  Additional gold sink in game
  •  Claim flag token must be transported (time, risk, can be lost/stolen)

Additional thoughts

The claim flag token should not be an inventory item (cannot place in personal inventory, storage chests, etc) but is rather an in-world item. I'll use a chicken as an example of what I'm thinking. You have to pickup the claim flag token in your arms like a chicken to transport it with a movement penalty and unable to defend yourself. This introduces the possibility of additional PvP mechanics. Attackers must defend their incoming flag token, and the defenders can clearly see who is bringing in a flag (or flags). Possibly the flag token also has an aura about it, so it is even visible when transported on a ship, as well as visible sitting "staged" in an attacker's island building (defenders have a specific place they can launch counter-attack).

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