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blueprint changes ?

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would the devs consider changing the blueprint system 

being unable to make the items as we havnt already learned the skill is a bit of a strange decision , we have the blueprints / plans i.e the instructions on how to build the item


if i have a plan of an item then i would be able to build it as a blueprint is instructions on how too..


the skill is me learning to build something without instructions or plans ,


example :- i can build a house from start to finish without any instructions or plans as that is my job i have the skill and training ..

my son could build a house if i gave him all the plans(blueprints) and instructions on how too he doesnt know how to without the plans / intructions (blueprints)


current system is wasting a lot of blueprint  for smaller companys that may or may not have all the skills between them ,,,,,

Edited by UDO

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That what i thought it was at first.   As it would just be consumed when you make it since it would make blueprint that much more appealing and toward the value of it.   To make Trading more plausible since this would give power to smaller companies / big alliance the  ability to craft stuff without having to wait on certain people to get on. 

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Heres another fun Thought out part of the BP system.  We get saddle bp's in drops some times.  BUT.  They are just the same as the generic crafted ones.  No boosts .  not upgradeable NADA.  And guess what.  You cant make them unless you can make saddles to start with.  So they are completely and utterly Useless.  They really need to work on this system.  And stop making everything so Tedious to do.  A game is supposed to be fun and enjoyable.  Not a second Job.

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yes it was very odd to get my first bp and then find i can make them as i am unable to follow instructions 😕 yet i can make flinktlock guns / carbines / houses .


yet cant follow a blueprint design as i don't know how to make the original , i wouldnt need a bp if i could already make them

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I think you make a good point, however i think it could be cool if  the more complicated and higher tier BP like legendary and Mythical BP's should be kept like that cause if you think about it IRL wise you wouldnt pick a manual to build a car and be able to it without some training, but you probably could build bicycle.

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17 minutes ago, Ribsin32 said:

I think you make a good point, however i think it could be cool if  the more complicated and higher tier BP like legendary and Mythical BP's should be kept like that cause if you think about it IRL wise you wouldnt pick a manual to build a car and be able to it without some training, but you probably could build bicycle.

yes thats a good addition to the system , green blue no skill needed anything else u need the original skill , i like it 🙂

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