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Daemon Cross

Give credit when credit is due

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 I’ve complained and gave a negative review (kinda) but I am a firm believer in giving credit when it’s due,  the support on the forums needs a lot of work in my opinion but that’s personal just like this post here, it’s one person who is taking the time to point out some positive that the developers of this game rarely get credit for. This game is awesome 1st and foremost, yes it has code that needs tweaking but it is early access still and they said it would be a work in progress for the next two years when it would be officially released at full cost. 

  Now we all say they don’t listen to us but I’d like to point out a few things I’ve noticed along the way, when we cried about the crocs wrecking havoc and making the game unbearable, the developers created a patch to help, when we cried about the wolves are over powered, the developers again created a patch to help, when we cried the buthole sank my battleship by putting to much weight on it, again they offered a patch (buthole found a work a round though), when we cried how in the world can 6 ghost ships spawn at once and all attack me , they again listened ( not sure what was done though), when we cried the raft sucks, give us another option from the beginning, they listened and again  we’ve cried - old age, more content, better performance, less lag, fix the tames, fix the drakes, fix this and fix that. Do everything we ask for - well they are working on it.

   I want to say that the work the developers are doing doesn’t go unnoticed, we players of your game appreciate all you do and I for one would like to say Thank You ! 

  Keep listening and always remember that you can’t make everyone happy but you do make a good effort from what I can tell so far.

  Remember all you haters, this is my personal thoughts and I know not everyone will see things the same way I do and to be honest that’s ok. 

 Thanks again for your hard work and  “Oh yeah could you please fix the issue with BUTHoLe kiting ghost ships in to sink offline anchored ships, fix the issue where buthole gets encumbered and climbs our ships ladders to sink them ( you could just give the ships the same code we have , if they get to much weight they just can’t move or be sailed - they don’t have to be sunk - works for pve and pvp) that would allow us to haul passengers that weren’t in our company or alliance again and can you please fix the overwhelming amount of left behind claims, ships and rafts ? 

  Thanks again, your doing a great job

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 Еще раз спасибо за вашу усердную работу и «О, да, не могли бы вы, пожалуйста, решить проблему с BUTHoLe, подбрасывающей корабли-призраки, чтобы потопить автономные якорные корабли, решить проблему, когда яма обременяется и поднимается по лестнице наших кораблей, чтобы потопить их (вы могли бы просто дать судам тот же код, что и у нас, если они набирают вес, они просто не могут двигаться или плыть - их не нужно потопить - работает на pve и pvp), что позволило бы нам перевозить пассажиров, которых не было в нашем Опять компания или альянс, и не могли бы вы исправить подавляющее количество оставленных претензий, кораблей и плотов? 





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Basically how I see it in terms of the devs would be if you aren't hearing from us its because we are too busy enjoying your game to pause and leave nice messages, when we rage though we will run here and post vicious hate filled threads about every gripe we can. While not doing much to bolster a positive relationship, it is an all too familiar pattern to most online games anymore.

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Thank you for the game, and all the hard work. I'm having fun like I haven't in years, meeting new people, and trying to kill about 50% of them. From the looks of the frequent patches and upcoming notes, most of the concerns I've seen are being addressed and balance changes galore are on the way if not here already. It shows in the performance and playability of the game. Again, thank you.

Also, the information sharing has improved greatly everywhere. If you can keep it up you'll have happy people playing a great game.

Edited by Tsiya "The Banshee" Ama
A stray thought
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