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Daemon Cross

Lion or Wolf Tames

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 If your interested in taming a wolf or a  lion, I have a decent pen set up in F3 with loads of them around it.  I believe I left the pin set to unlocked and your more then welcome to use it.. The pen is not at my home base, it's next to my neighbors to the west.. we are located on the center Island at the south end to the west..  Cursed Exiles and Grim something or something Grim.. can't remember but I have a single plot of land on the other side of Grim that has a pen setup for taming.. it's a relative safe to use pen with little worry about being killed or your tame being killed by other animals in the area.   If your interested and have issues finding it try to hit me up in the afternoons around 18:00 to 22:00 EST.  Same pathfinder name in game as I use on the forums 

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