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Our ships should be flagged as "Immune to damage and weight" while the ship owner is offline and there is no one at the helm.

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In a world where traveling by sea is the main point and that process may take several hours of one way travel only to be forced to travel that much time to return to your safe port, there should be a way to allow players to log out when they need too (for real-life reason, IE: sleep, eating, working, children, etc...) allow players to safe reprieve of ship immunity. This would promote players to travel and have a good time and know that when their playtime is over, they can just log out and be safe.

This game is not about realism as I could point out many different aspects already implemented into this game that does not promote realism, so then allowing ship immunity while the owner is offline is not a far stretch and allows players a chance to experience the game and still have peace of mind that their ship will be there in the morning if they run out of time to play for the night.

Pretty much only trolls, unemployed and single, and children without any responsibilities could possibly have any real complaint to oppose this request. I am sure they will state rhetoric such as, "it's a PVP Pirate game and there should be no safe harbor for anyone. If a ship is discovered with a captain sleeping, we should be able to wreck them!" but this is utter crap as this is not real-life and we are not able to be logged in 24x7 and this is exactly why there should be ship immunity. It does not detract from the game as there will always be players who are logged in and ready for your PVP intentions. There is no real reason that an offline and defenseless ship should be subject to your griefing.

Edited by vaylain
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Too simplistic a solution. There are so many abandoned ships cluttering up the place that making ships immune to damage when their owners are offline would just make the current problem worse. How long would immunity last before the owner has to log in?  Hours, days, weeks, forever?

Edited by Coggage

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Be hard to put in if all it takes to stop a team attacking you is to log off as soon as you see them coming ?

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That works until you go up against companies that have shared accounts with Galleon's attached to them and they roll them out at you endlessly.  Every decent sized company has people that can spend the cash.   I can see both sides of this and I see good points and bad.  Either way can be taken advantage of.  I don't see a good compromise here.

How long after logout before its protected?  Whats preventing people from logging out to save ships instead of fighting with them?  Last thing I want to see is people sizing a battle up and immediately logging out to save pixels thus negating the point of trying to sink their ships.  Where are these ships at?  

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I'd just like it if people couldn't train a SotD onto your galleon while you're offline in PvE. We lost a lot of resources when someone did that a couple days ago...


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TBH they should just try to reduce freeport decay and see what happens until they find a better solution (like spawning additional instances of freeports when needed). Maybe freeports will become cluttered with ships and unplayable. Maybe not. Can't know for sure until it's tested.

If the problem occur, maybe try to improve stationary defences to the point where people with land and resources will prefer having ships at their bases and ready for action (ahem, instead of nerfing our stone garages), while those who aren't that lucky or just adventurers who found themselves too far from home will have some way of going to sleep without being certain that their ships will still be there when they wake up.

Mega companies can already use freeports for safe storage btw - just let a few people from their army log in and repair their fleet every 5-6 hours. Since they don't do that there's a reason to assume that freeport cluttering will not be such a major problem after all.

Edited by LaiTash

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I like this idea, but.

1. Immunity should not begin until a certain amour of time has passed since logging off. say 5 to 10 minutes. this will required the finding of at least some bit of safety before logging off. Logging out in the middle of battle would be stupid.

2. Immunity should only last for so long to deal with people abandoning the game. say 1 to 2 weeks, after this time then the ships are fair game.

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1-2 weeks is a bit long, I would be ok with a couple days. I can see the good and bad side of this. I ultimately think some kind of immunity is going to be needed at some point unless grapeshot has plans to add tons of NPC pirate ships and bases for everyone to raid... if there is PVE combat that everyone can enjoy and get that raid fix like sectors that are "Pirate base X" and is essentially like the golden isle where you can go siege a pirate base kill npcs and push your way in to some kind of end goal.. After X time these can reset or something. Also having pirate ships sailing the seas... SOTD are a bit boring imo. Would need to balance it out obviously a fully loaded npc pirate ship could potentially wreak havoc if they are too smart. But this would also give people the ship battle part of the game. I am assuming this is probably already planned? But who knows we still have at least another 23 months to go.

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While a couple of weeks seems a long time, it would at least cover when people are on holiday. Many people can go a couple of days without logging in just because of RL commitments.

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One solution to consider would be to make it so that you could steer a ship back into a Shipyard and re-Dry Dock it - thus enabling the same functionality/immunity that currently exists during the ship building process, and drastically reducing the current state of offline griefing.

Decay exists for Shipyards - and thus would apply to any ships abandoned within the shipyard.

Assaulting companies could still cap the Shipyard, and thus take the ship if they were to attack your base - so this doesn't STOP PvP completely.

Could put in safety measures that if the ship has been in PVP combat within the past 20 minutes, there's a timer that counts down prior to being able to dry dock.

Requires a Ship Yard for each ship you have to be effective, so you couldn't mass produce 20 galleons and make them all safe - unless you had 20 large shipyards to dry dock them in.

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The solution isn't special flags. It´s simply to allow overweight and overcrew and simply apply the speed penalty as characters get.

Nobody cares if someone wish to sail their mobile base at 0.1km/h between islands.

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