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Admiral Bart Major

FOY My Thoughts and Experiences.

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Today I walked away from Atlas after raking in 190 hours. (Not a lot compared to most.)

I hit 92 years old, sailed to the FOY location twice, both times got instant griefed among the 400 sunken ships on the shore. With the beds destroyed, Nakeds blocking the FOY entrance, a fire elemental and about 10 lvl +100 crocs about, the FPS drop due to all the busted up ships in render, I just shut the game down. I don't find the mechanic to be fun or rewarding enough to bother going through all that.

I'm not one for the FOY mechanic, I think it opens the game to more dangerous power creep. I get that it has a strategic aspect to it (the company that controls it gets the buff), but holy shit... no.. just.. not like this, no, make it a 150 or 500 gold potion from a free port or something (i'll spend 3 hours doing treasure maps for that, it's way more rewarding), the servers can't handle it and the game mechanics are to shit to do it right. My experience was absolute aids, I don't have another 3 hours to do that trip twice again, never have I seen such a poorly designed and horribly thought out RPG mechanic in an MMO. 

Yours sincerely, 

One real salty Australian gamer.

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It is utter bull crap and the freaking devs are so oblivious to their own game to recognize the issue. They can care a less about this game whether it is a success or failure. Means nothing to them, they will still get paid and will still maintain their programming portfolio to further their careers. The company has already shown their fealty to the money NOT their customer base. Any time a company charges for players to TEST their game for them, you already know that they are in it purely for the money, not the customers. Good luck with getting through to them...

Edited by vaylain

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