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How should magic work

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What do players think of adding magic to the game

What kind of magic 










Mind control 

How reliable /chaotic/controllable 

What should it cost

Should it have a permanent effects or temporary 

Should it be in the skill tree

Should it have a minI game to determine how effective it is 



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This is what I think
Just my opinion on what you've said.


Elemental - YES

Curses - sure

Spell  - Would magic be magic without spells?

Enchanting - Would be neat, but might be a little bloated 

Luck - I feel like this would be more appropriate for other things like the music tab or others

Sympathetic - I don't even know what this would entail

Voodoo - No, being able to manipulate others usually ends up either badly implemented or just a bad idea

Artifacts - Isn't this already implemented with the whole power stone thing?

Creatures - Already have magical creatures, maybe we could have summoning instead, break from the taming tree a little more

Mind control - For creatures and AI, sure, 100% not for players.

How reliable /chaotic/controllable  - I feel like this would make the tree really tedious and be more of a chore

What should it cost - I'd like either mana or reagents as both could be implemented well, reagents might be better as it would allow for more powerful spells to be implemented.

Should it have a permanent effects or temporary  - Most effects, if not all, should be temp unless giving to by a boss. 

Should it be in the skill tree - YES

Should it have a minI game to determine how effective it is - I feel like this would also make it a chore. Magic should be fun, but not tedious

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