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traps Traps and siege mechanics

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The game lacks base defenses other than spamming walls and few mortars on top, nothing against land invasion or animals (such as predators or yetis). Having few in mind:

1. Spikes, there would be wooden and metal spikes, wooden could be burnt with oil and fire arrows, metal would require siege machines. Spikes could be covered with thatch platforms by invaders to get past without taking damage but those platforms could be burnt by defenders. Spikes would deal moderate damage, metal spikes would deal high damage.

2. Trip traps, there would be a wooden log or boulder few tiles above the ground where trip line is placed. Once stepped on, those would fall on the victim, can't neutralize them without activation but the line can be shot at to break. Log would deal high damage and boulder would deal huge damage (something like balista?).

3. Shotgun traps, those would be just tripwires connected to either blunderbusses or swivels with grape shots, they would need to be reloaded manualy after each activation, weapons would deal as much damage as when used manualy. Disarming would be the same as trip traps.

4. Deadfall traps. They would be either wooden, stone or metal. Wooden ones could be destroyed with fire. Wooden would deal moderate, stone and metal high with metal dealing slightly higher and applying bleeding.

5. Drawbridge, just so players could build it over the spike fields.


Now for the "siege mechanics". It would just be one, the ram. It could have swivel gun slots on sides. Would be very durable but suspectble to fire. Primary use would be to give protection to players inside, have high structure damage and of course be a mobile altilery platform bcs of swivels.

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30 minutes ago, LunningStooks said:

For 3: You can put swivel guns on ground bases and man them with AI crew.

Yeah, that's true. Maybe just with blunderbuss and other guns insteed of swivel.

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