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Endo Fett

V15, What are you thinking??

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Nerfing fire arrows...the only means we have left for efficiently handling alphas

 Nerfing fire arrows against mythicals and then requiring us to go to a Power Stone just to get rid of the new old age  debuff? Because of course add the debuff before you add child birth. (c***s)

Preventing crop plots from being placed on boats and destroying the ones already placed...did the devs not JUST finish telling us we dont need to settle down or necessarily even have a base? You silly f***s over there at Grapeshot are all over the place.

Your cooking system is convoluted and shitty with it’s recipes, so why not ease the strain and let people make garden ships? I mean, you can’t even grow herbs...what a joke.

Removing elephant weight reduction...now they’re useless, just like the rhino. - If you dont want to make another creature game, give me cargo ziplines (since you took away zipping while encumbered) or a rail line or NPC workers; SOMETHING.

Do the devs honestly believe people slowly crawling back to base on foot with metal you mined by hand is fun?!

Stop balancing around mega-groups in PvP for the entire player base. - Is this company too lazy or too incompetent to implement two seperate rulesets that actually make sense for both play-modes?

You will never balance PvE and PvP with the same ruleset, and you’ll never get to that sweet spot of work vs reward if you turn gathering into a nightmarish chore for anyone not in a zerg group.

Edited by Endo Fett
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the main problem with their game is liek their Dev kit... its messy and its so bloke bloated with shit that it will never use.   infact even modder are trying to fix their dumb ass game but i cannot because of fact that you need like a 128 ram just to run the dam kit.   they need to hire some real Developer and take their game and tighten down what should be done this way and that way and upgrade the engine to 4.21..  4.5 cant cut it anymore. 

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I don't think it's a good idea to make taming more diffcult. Alpha animal is a huge problem. More than half of our animal dead by alpha and there are so many Alpha in this game. We tame a bear need 30minutes and it dead just need 3sec by an Alpha and even can't escape. I don't want to tame any animals before they delete or reduce the number of Alpha. Can't farm in the ship also is a bad idea. Some plants only can grow in special area. Set them on a ship can slove many problems. If player still need travel a far way to get the plant which they don't have in their island, what is meaning of this farming system.

Edited by cfxyxx

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And now that the patch has dropped...everyone is stuck inside their buildings! 

Can’t walk through doorways/gateways...

Can’t break a wall and walk out...

How the hell, looking at the list of what they were supposedly changing, did they manage to pull this one off? 

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These Devs have no idea what they are doing. This game was already bad enough when it came out. "Balancing" a game for a company of 500 players is neglecting the rest of the player base. To that I say, enjoy your 500 player base. It's going to be short lived.

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I hate to agree but V15 was all about large company balances imo . Reason behind me saying this is the small 2 -5 man or even solo players cant last very long on a powerstone island in order to not suffer from the age debuff . Its like saying , ohh your not part of a large enough company , go play somewhere else . Also they did not think things through like they said they do in the stream . I remember them saying the reason some changes they make are long coming because they don't want a domino effect , yet they did just that the same day they stream about not doing it . The gates and door traping people because of a change made , take away the wolves or nerf them seems like a good chance unless its the only thing that keeps yetis down on numbers . Im on a polar island and I had 127 yetis surrounding my base , if I go outside at any spot I have a instant pack of 2-10 yeti on me . Reason is simple the wolves are not spawning and thus dieing and causing alphas to spawn to cull the yeti . Yes a alpha wolf is much easier to handle then a 27 yeti in a pack , and as they day has gone on they just keep spawning . I tried to cull some with a killbox and they stacked up inside it faster then I could manage (ever see a 4x4 killbox with 8 yeti stuffed into it , its actualy kinda funny .

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For me it the alpha rattlesnakes can't see them when getting fibers unlike the giant snake you don't see them with all the plants. And now we have 3 alpha sharks in the bay nice.

Edited by ghostwolf19k

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