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RELEASE: Atlas Server Controller (my program to help setup and run privately, all 225 grids of the official servers for solo players and small groups on average hardware)

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So i am missing a file.   when i click start server i get a message that says i am missing "redis-server_startup.bat".  Is there a way to obtain said file and if so how please?  and no its not where its supposed to be.  I checked.

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14 hours ago, WhyteOne said:

So i am missing a file.   when i click start server i get a message that says i am missing "redis-server_startup.bat".  Is there a way to obtain said file and if so how please?  and no its not where its supposed to be.  I checked.

Verify your server files it should be downloaded with the server files from steam.

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21 hours ago, Ian-C said:

Verify your server files it should be downloaded with the server files from steam.

nope ... still no file.


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A work around for that and what I did was download REDIS from https://github.com/MicrosoftArchive/redis and install it in the same folder as Atlastools.  It will run as a service.  You wont ever click on the start redis server button it will just be running in the background.  If you have to update your server you need to open your taskmanager and stop the service then reboot the computer or restart the service from that folder but never start it from the asc it will wipe your redis database file.  

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is version 2 still in the works or has it been abandoned?

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On 3/17/2019 at 4:16 PM, UDO said:

is version 2 still in the works or has it been abandoned?

Love this program, any news on the new version.

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There is a new Version in work. With a Full Grid System.  But we are testing some issue and some stuff that maybe must be fixed. 

But yeah ^^ you will like it more, 

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Hey thanks this is awesome. Just a thought could you add a selection to do less players and add server name?

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On 5/8/2019 at 9:56 PM, TORAMBO said:

There is a new Version in work. With a Full Grid System.  But we are testing some issue and some stuff that maybe must be fixed. 

But yeah ^^ you will like it more, 

lovely cant wait 

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:skull:ATLAS SERVER CONTROLLER v.1.9:skull:


v1.9 May 9th 2019 -
The Map View Addon is finally here for all you power users! Honestly though, if you don't know what that is, don't bother with this update.
The regular program only had a few changes and is just being prepped for the rewrite.
This update is for power users who are looking to run more than 9 servers at one time, as well as tracking more than 1 person at a time, if their computer can handle it of course! Known issues - some not 1080p screen resolutions may have issue with the program and it may display strangely. Please just report with what res you use.
If you have an issue with a grid not closing fully or not opening correctly, it is most likely because you are running more grids than your computer can handle. Though it may seem generous, keep in mind the 4gb of ram/2threads per server grid official requirements
Information belong from Discord. 









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So still i work only like a tester. Dont know what right now going on with the software . 
Its a great project - 

Hope in the future they will come more updates. 

If you need support with the software you can join my discord server.

🗣️ Join: 🗣️




Edited by TORAMBO

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i traveling to L6 and then message: invalid authentication token and i have disconnect and reconnecting is no longer possible does anyone know how to fix it?

from A5 to K6
it went without problems ...

Edited by Lenetwor

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On 11/27/2022 at 6:51 AM, lunamocity said:

Can anyone reupload v1.9 as links are dead either here or my discord is Lunamocity#1702, thanks

did you ever get it if you got  can i get it to


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