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Th predators on the newer player islands are getting out of hand.

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I've been having a lot of problems since the Firearms nerf. I noticed headshots weren't removed, but tightened. Coupled with the lower damage from Flintlock Pistols, it is a real struggle to deal with predators that aggro you from a large distance. When I'm done fighting one pack, rather then have time to gather my wits and take a breather, there is always the threat of a Predator, in this case a Lion, being just around the corner. 

There needs to be some kind of aggression re-balance. What I don't get is why seemingly minor things like firearm damage needed to be changed, even from a PvP perspective, but hyper aggressive predators stay the same. I would argue that fine tuning the PvE experience should be priority over PvP because you then can build off of a stable base for combat and combat mechanics.

What are your guys thoughts?

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