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Guru Drew

Bridges and Docks

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As a captain of a vessel, I'd like to be able to easily dock my vessel at my base and access bays that have bridges across them to allow easy transportation of shipped goods back to my base.

The dock should be a structure that, when on a ship within a predetermined range, when using the interact menu on my ship, I am given the option to "Dock on Port" or "Dock on Starboard", which would automatically pull my ship up to the platform and extend a plank to allow one to walk while encumbered, transfer tames, etc...

The drawbridge would not open while a player or tame is on the surface, would automatically stop and transition approaching ships, and should support pin coding. Perhaps a crew member or player must operate the draw bridge.

If made, I think there should be multiple sizes of each structure.

Edited by Guru Drew
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I like this idea, I have already built a dock that allows me to do just this but it takes forever to reverse a ship into place.
An npc auto pilot would be a nice touch as would a "shared" inventory for the dock to allow for trading between vessels/land.
Have two ships pull up or one ship and the "harbour master" and allow that shared inventory to allow for trade.

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Agreed. This is how ships did and do it in real life. They tie up to a pier when it's too deep to anchor, rather than risking smacking into a sandbar because the anchor chain is stupidly short.

I can't believe that they let a pirate game get to alpha public release without even a fricken gang plank in the game!

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