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Tamed Animal nerf is TOO MUCH and KNEE JERK AF

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Tames die fast AF as it is. a 40% Nerf is TOO MUCH! Way too much! I cannot believe these devs are letting STREAMERS, that DO NOTHING but boss their viewers around all while they reap the rewards of the viewer's work, determine this kind of crap. 40% nerf on TOP of taking more damage from bullets. That last bit doesn't effect me but the rest does. If they want to follow through with this nerf it NEEDS to be on PvP ONLY. In PvE this will suck ass and completely ruin all of the solo play I have put effort into. My tames are what I rely on to kill most things because they nerfed the bow so hard already THANKS TO STREAMERS. These same streamers were all crying for them to WIPE the servers the other night, too, just so they could gobble up even more land!

I had a level 50 tiger die to a frikking level 3 snake the other day, that's how bad tames suck! Just because streamers don't know how to hit their targets, and or the HIT DETECTION IN THE GAME FAILS LIKE USUAL, or they don't know that they can use Grappling Hooks to pull people off tames, and the streamers go into these raids with no form of strategy planned, those of us that don't play PvP have to suffer. These guys have too much of a voice, most of them didn't even pay for your game, and they definitely wouldn't be playing it right now if they had to do all the gathering/working in the game.

Edited by Aviate

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Why anyone even watches Streamers god alone knows.  They're a waste of space.  ll they want is subscribers and they'll appeal to any sector of the audience so that they get them.

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