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The Proper Method for Eating Bamboo (aka RPTC Rules)

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You made it! You are no longer a Swabby and required to wear that awful color pink. Your tag has been upgraded in the discord and now you are a Sutler with your own shop or you have a ship of your own to Captain on the seas. You are a proper Panda now. You can store your bamboo below decks and take it to far shores, where you will show others the proper method for eating bamboo. 

You read in the Discord that, "On your own ship you are captain and in your own house or shop ye be king, but in the company, Gorawyn and Jaxiel have final say." What on earth does that exactly mean? Do Gorawyn and Jaxiel get to tell you what you can do with your bamboo?

No. We don't. Your bamboo is your own. Let's break it down.

The Red Pandas don't hand hold.

We are so careful about who we invite into our ranks so that we don't have to manage your personal belongings. So we don't have to create massive groups for various abilities like tame groups and groups that allow one person to be able to demo but not another in order to protect the things we all work hours and hours on in the game. 

What that means is that when you build something or create something, it is yours. Your ship, yours. Your house, yours. People are expected to knock on your door or ask to use your things. 

There are common property places. Like the main base, where everyone can access materials, and use public items. The bank is common use because there is only one on our island. It's a Highlander. So we aren't going to tell anyone they can't access it. 

When it comes to company-wide decisions Gorawyn and Jaxiel together make FINAL calls. Using the input of all members from the Red Panda's. We can't always make everyone happy. So it's not a democracy. But we do recognize the hard work and effort of everyone involved in the whole group.  

At any point, any member has an issue they can bring it up to us. We will do everything in our power to make things right, but we are human...cough Red Pandas.

So now go out there, spread the love of bamboo, never fear it is yours to eat in any way you wish to eat it, even the improper way. We won't mind as long as you respect your fellow Red Pandas there won't be any issues.

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