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Look I understand this is meant to be somewhat challenging.... HOWEVER I shouldn't have to deal with any animal spawning in excess as much as snakes are. In about an hour on most of these islands I could probably kill 300 snakes at the rate that they spawn, NTM the amount of time I have to wait around for my torpidity to go down after killing one and getting hit once just allows 6 or 7 more to spawn in while I wait. If there was a way to counter the poison that the snake effected me with It probably wouldnt be as bad but even without the crazy high K.O. Rate they just spawn wayy too often. In the time it took to type this post (about 5 minutes) I have accumulated this (plus 8 to the left onshore) underneath me... PLEASE FIX SNAKES.


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In populated areas the problem with aggressive creatures can be mitigated by allowing their natural predators to thrive. This means, don't kill the seagulls, crows, elephants, rhinos, ostriches, bulls, or other friendly creatures and it will, over time, keep the other creatures somewhat in check. You will still get small waves, but typically the levels of those waves will be lower and their numbers fewer. At least, this has been my experience.

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Just now, Pappy Green said:

In populated areas the problem with aggressive creatures can be mitigated by allowing their natural predators to thrive. This means, don't kill the seagulls, crows, elephants, rhinos, ostriches, bulls, or other friendly creatures and it will, over time, keep the other creatures somewhat in check. You will still get small waves, but typically the levels of those waves will be lower and their numbers fewer. At least, this has been my experience.

In this particular area its just lions, no bears or anything else to counter and lions I dont think even fight the snakes, the seagulls there get killed by the lions and snakes because they team up, this is how it is on all the islands near me.

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if you keep beating them down the tide will turn. I have groups of crows and seagulls that actively go after snakes. I have rhinos where there weren't any, and they stomp snakes quickly and effectively. The elephants and rhinos also go after the crocs. I've been in the same spot for a week and only in the last couple of days I realized how different it was now.

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I don't think you understand, there are no predators to snakes where I am. Rhinos cant spawn here, neither can elephants.

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I still dont think you understand, RHINOS CANNOT SPAWN WHERE I AM! THERE ARE NO CROCS.

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So you have no birds either I suppose, or any possibility of any animal that might take issue with snakes. Oh well I guess you're screwed, have a nice day. 

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