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Does anyone know a method for making a specific resource spawn on an Island? 

I have our Islands the way I want; but unfortunately none of them appear to be spawning Chamomile or Wheat. 
I am actually not entirely certain which Islands _should_ spawn those resources, as there doesn't seem to be a concrete way of telling which Islands they're designed to appear on. 


Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. 

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Yes actually look at the wiki for the resources spawning.

I've found that the the
Firt set of letters are islands type.
Second the islands models
Third come the islands biome.

ER and TR = eastern tropics
WU = Western Tundra
CL = Central Low Desert
WR = Western Tropics
EE = Equatorial
CH = Central High Desert
ET = Eastern Temperate
PO and CP = Polar
WT and WF = Western Temperate

Edited by Starbuck

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Yeah I did see that; but the problem is I can't actually see which of those Islands spawns Wheat. 
The Server Grid Editor shows me the naming convention; but no information about the resources themselves. You _can_ see the resources per biome in the AtlasCoreBP directory though.

So for example, if I look in "...Content\Atlas\AtlasCoreBP\HarvestComponents", I can see all the types of Resources that spawn per Biome / Island type. 
The problem is, Wheat is listed in "Content\Atlas\AtlasCoreBP\temp" only; which doesn't tell me much.

I also can't see a method for adding ExtraSublevels - unless that is a free-text field. In which case, I still need to know what the correct value is, presuming this is where i can override the resource spawn table.



Edited by Saltiest_of_Dogs

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I'm trying to figure this out as well. As well as the format and class names of the other overrides in the json. (like flotsam loot tables, etc)


I've been informed that wheat does spawn in official server. One example was the large K5 island. I've tried using the same island in a server but was not able to find wheat anywhere.


Maize is also supposed to spawn in high desert, but on my server, it doesn't. At least from testing i could not find it.


I've tried adding non-ocean harvestable using the OceanHarvestEntriesOverrides, this had no effect, and gave only 'jute' in my tropical ocean. In addition to the normal coral, algae, etc from the ocean harvestables folder.


So any information on altering harvest items would be appreciated.

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53 minutes ago, Saltiest_of_Dogs said:

Does anyone know a method for making a specific resource spawn on an Island? 

I have our Islands the way I want; but unfortunately none of them appear to be spawning Chamomile or Wheat. 
I am actually not entirely certain which Islands _should_ spawn those resources, as there doesn't seem to be a concrete way of telling which Islands they're designed to appear on. 


Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. 


I was able to get chamomile from Mnt_J_WF in isolated little spots.


I wonder if lack of other things is simply me not checking the ENTIRE island lol.  maybe its there and I just haven't found it yet.

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Ok so I found Wheat and Maize (wild) on a couple of the Islands and some Chamomile. 

This fortunately means I don't need to override any spawns - but I'm definitely still keen to find out how this is achieved!


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3 hours ago, Saltiest_of_Dogs said:

Ok so I found Wheat and Maize (wild) on a couple of the Islands and some Chamomile. 

This fortunately means I don't need to override any spawns - but I'm definitely still keen to find out how this is achieved


Have you tried using the same method as Ark? the spawnoverride settings seem fairly generic, and should work for atlas. combined with the example spaw classes given in the servergrid.json files provided.

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I haven't'; but I also didn't do much Ark server admin. 

Also, I just realised who i am talking to.
I was on your server for a while before I fired up my own haha! You definitely inspired me. 😉

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9 hours ago, Saltiest_of_Dogs said:

I haven't'; but I also didn't do much Ark server admin. 

Also, I just realised who i am talking to.
I was on your server for a while before I fired up my own haha! You definitely inspired me. 😉

lol great, i hope your server works out well! I'm always supportive of unofficial servers.


I took a brief stab at overriding spawns, but it didn't work first try, so haven't looked into it. You can find the code for it on the ark wiki, ark.gamepedia.com/Server_Configuration#Creature_Spawn_related  You may need to mess around with classnames and such, using the examples from servergrid.json included with the map generator download from playatlas. 

Edited by NZScruffy

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Anyone figure this out yet? Really would like to eliminate some islands on my 2x2 and still have all resources available.

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If you look at the main page of the sheet you will notice what it is missing on the sheet. Not much is missing but it is pretty much complete.



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Foliage override keys, I've used and made them but to the life of me I cannot remember what folder I stored them in to active it. What is dose is in the grid editor where the list of islands are select the island you want and edit island. There will be a drop down menu called foliage override, and I believe your allowed 5 per island, and it works for critter too. I stumbled across it by accident and been banging my head every since trying to reduplicate the process I went thru but I know you have to make a folder and name it FoliageOverideKeys but I can't member where in the grid editor files I had it.

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