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How to Join the Red Panda Trading Company

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So you want to be a Red Panda...

Before joining the Red Panda Trading Company you will be asked to do a voice interview with either Gorawyn or Jaxiel or both.

We will go over the basics of being a part of the RPTC. 

Rules: Don't be a dick. Don't steal from Alliance members. Don't claim land from active folks outside our server. In general, don't pull dick moves. We are on a PVE server and have to deal with so many other things due to the bugs in the system the last thing we want is a shitty reputation to go along with it. 

You are a face of the company and expected to act as such. We are fun, whimsical, a bit sarcastic, and try to be amusing wherever we go. We engage in light RP across the servers we go to and most people recognize us as helpful if a bit of fun loving snarky comments are paired with our helpfulness.

Example: Passing by a port someone hollers out, "Where did you get your cannons?" I respond with, "We made em!" They respond with, "No shit Sherlock!" I respond with, "Figure it out Watson!" Then in chat after out of voice range explain to that person what the skill trees needed to get to the cannons and where to find the materials to make them. This is the kind of behavior we like, Saavy? Funny but good-natured ribbing while still being decent folks. 

Be a Jack Sparrow, not Hook.

After your initial interview if invited you will be brought into the Company. We are an open company meaning we go by an honor system. I don't hold your hands to make you act like an adult and respect your company members. I don't make groups and put you in little boxes and tell you what you can and can't tame or can or can't open.

New members to the RPTC must undergo a minimum 2 week trial period, during which you will be called a Swabby

While you are in your two week trial period we will provide you with gear, but it will be colored pink, cause Swabbies love pink. Right? Your tag in Discord will also be pink.

During this period you have all the rights and privileges of a full member with the exception that if you don't like us, or we don't like you we will remove you from the company. 

Now... that said, remember we don't like dick moves. 

We aren't just going to leave you stranded. We will build you a sloop, gear it out and you. We will allow you to build the sloop on a piece of our land and once done send you on your merry way with no hard feelings. Regardless of the reasoning why it doesn't work out with the exception of if you have stolen a bunch of shit from us or one of our allies or been a dick in chat or something stupid. Then you can go your merry way without a sloop and good luck.

If you are a small company who is merging into us, you do not have to go through wearing pink but the two week trial period applies. All claims you brought into the alliance with you will be returned to you if you decide to leave.

However, we expect companies to make sure that they become a part of their new company and not segregate themselves apart. Your old buildings and stuff will remain intact your personal belongings and gear is yours but we hope that you will consider contributing to the communal resources and projects we are working on as a group as this will help you and your fellow crew feel as if they are Red Panda's now! Because you are!

If you have any further questions shoot me a message! 

Redtail Port Harbor Master,

Gorawyn Ashla

Gorawyn#9502 (Discord)

Edited by Gorawyn

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