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Balance Changes - They need to happen soon

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Past couple days have all been about balancing the Ghost ships (I know what they really are called, but this is easier). I have further balance change suggestions the envelop the wider scope of the game, that SHOULD happen soon


Ghost ships need to be restricted to high level content areas (Power stone shit or whatever) and if you want some sort of PvE content like the ships, then you need to add a sloop (maybe bigger than a sloop) ghost ship that has the army of the damned NPCs. The ship would be fast and would grapple to the players ship in order for a battle to occur. Be a good way for players leaving the start servers a choice to partake in some extra, but fun PvE content without having to pray to Posiden about not running into an actual ghost ship.


Claims need to be balanced. This needs to apply to PvP & PvE servers. The more claims you put down should have a price for the company to pay. Players and groups are really struggling trying to find a place to live outside of the starter zones and factions bigger than 10 claim most of the islands, if not all of the islands. So new players don't have a chance to get into the grit of the game without having to ask permission to get some land to build on.


Restrictions on Freeport. Freeport is getting abused more than a whore by her pimp. This week is proof of that. I logged in today to find that my base and ships, once again, wiped by China. I spawn in at freeport and see about 500 rafts setting around. Groups with whole fleets just gathering resources. When they have enough, they'll call in the big boats and load all those supplies up, destroy the rafts and take off. This would not be so bad, if the islands in general weren't so cancer, thus leads to my next balance suggestion...


Animal Spawn to player population. One of my favorite things upon visiting a new island is noticing the 50 fucking wolves running around the beach, excited to see me like I'm their master after I long day at work. Not only that, but the alpha's creature status that I THOUGHT was suppose to be rare, is more common than fucking fiber. Seriously, we kill one alpha and two more show up. This forces people to not want to farm resources and would rather go back to freeport to farm them. Please put a little bit of restraint on the Animal spawning on islands, especially predators, because farming 10,000 hide in an hour, shouldn't be a thing.


The Raiding Scene. Probably a topic that will constantly be a back and forth fight. A lot of people like to think of offline raid protection as a balance mechanic for raiding. I'm all for offline raid protection for a game like this, since most goals you accomplish in the game are huge time sinks. Instead of pushing for Offline raid protection, I think the devs should find ways to promote online raiding, such as a leader board, with raiding as its core means of producing results. Players want to be at the top and the best way is a ranking system.

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