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Take a cue from World's adrift ships

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This game has a serious problem right now with the ease at which your ship can be destroyed, especially when offline. I have an idea for a solution. In Worlds adrift, you build a ship and your crewmates register to a spawner on the ship that is similar to a bed in Atlas / Ark. When everyone who is registered to the ship is logged out, the ship logs out as well. If a single player who is registered to the ship spawns into the game, the ship spawns in as well. There needs to be an object's to put on the ship that the crew has to register to, and ships should despawn when the crew logs out.

This would fix a lot of the problems with ships basically having no point to be built. Right now, a ship is more of a liability because ghost ships Target them and players will try to claim them and they will despawn if you leave them in the safe Zone. This is a huge problem because all of these issues disincentivize shipbuilding and since rafts are cheap and safe, people just build rafts.

In Eve online, your ship logs out when you do. Can you imagine how bad eve would be if you could just find people's ships while they were logged out and raid their inventory or destroy them? Players don't want that, and if this game is just going to be a grind Fest to build something that is always in danger and won't last a week, your player base will run away faster than you can say Dead game.

Please devs, consider this, or at least make ships invincible when the crew is logged out or something.

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