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Claim stealing and Island resources not respawning

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13 hours ago, UDO said:

look for floating buoys they stop respawns in a huge radius no matter where they are placed

And Lighthouses.

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The lighthouses don't seem to affect this as much anymore.  We have one at our base and it seems to be working just fine.  Haven't checked after the latest patch(8.72) but the previous one was.  Buoys still destroy spawns in the area in a rather large radius.

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They should limit the claim flags to one per player. The circle is huge. one player does not need to claim an entire island. Its exactly as ARK was with alpha tribes taking over the game. People taking advantage of exploits and bugs to get an advantage. I traveled on my raft an entire day asking for just one spot to put a flag down and I kept being told to move on. Companies with entire islands claimed couldn't just allow us one flag. We finally found a spot in the tundra furthest south you can go where nothing grows, no resources other than animals. You die right away from the cold if you're not prepared. which I can't be because if I go to a freeport to set myself up to go back. I may come back and the spot is taken plus having to deal with the danger along the way. I know its just early access. But very quickly a few people found a way to make the game unplayable for a lot of us just because of how territory is managed. 

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what is happening here though is Asian groups are now using every means to take NA territories and then they are selling them or trying to . They need to limit this and ban exploiters , but wildcard doesn't seem to be concerned with supporting their game as much as making content to sell . This is why they have closed off almost all avenues of communication when it comes to reporting anyone or anything . We can say what we want here and they do nothing . Look at the patch notes for upcoming they don't care one bit about people having claims taken , the flags not working correctly otherwise it would be in the upcoming section . 

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