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Spyglass still crashing the game :(

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Can anyone help me fix this? Every time I use spyglass my game crashes 😞 this has been like last 3 years or so... third PC and reinstalled Atlas atleast 10 times during these years and still having the same problem 😞
There is a old thread about same broblem that wont help at all as there is no way to "update" these files 😕 Im confused!
I have stopped playing this game numerous times because this bug and losing my ship to SoD:s as game crashes if I try to use spyglass to check health or lvl of those 😞
Old thread here:


Edited by Finlander

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Plagued by the same problem. Spyglass worked fine yesterday , now it crashes the game, i have no idea how is this allowed to persist for so long, i feel like this game has been abandoned in regards of bug fixes 

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I've played off and on for years across both an Xbox and two PCs, and only just today I'm running into this. 

I can't find any actual help online. Most of the threads I'm seeing all blame it on the user's video card limits. I'm running this on a pretty decent machine with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 GPU, and it still crashes on me. All of my drivers are up to date and I've verified my game files.

It's never been an issue when playing online with a buddy in his game, but it's happening to me in my own single player game.

I'm going to keep looking for a fix. It shouldn't stop me from playing, but it's SO frustrating.

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just encountered this issue yesterday and searching for fixes as well.  Tried a lot of things, but what it seems come down to is a corrupted save, or something like that.  If i spawn as a completely new player with a new player profile, new config settings, but with the same grid saves, and tribe profiles active, the spyglass causes crash.  However, starting a new game with no saves, a ton of mods, and literally any graphics settings will allow spyglass to work... looking for a type of workaround at this point and considering deleting old grid saves and seeing what that will do-- I'm in singleplayer.

edit-- after testing can confirm it is a corrupted grid save issue.  If I remove the last grid save i was in when the spyglass caused the crash, i can spawn somewhere else and use it.  But if I delete that save I lose my ship and my tames-- so what's the point...

Edited by workinghyena

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it crashes for me on sp grid a7, but works fine in a8 and freeport. no idea if there's a fix.

Edited by DreOne

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On 11/22/2022 at 3:52 PM, Finlander said:

This link leads to the suggestion of "fixing the translation files" from 2019, however it does not explain how to "fix" them. I've looked over both the English folders in ATLAS\ShooterGame\Content\Localization\Game   as the fix suggests, however I do not find anything wrong under the name Spyglass. My game crashes every time I use the Spyglass in a beginning island of B8.

Edited by ell87
Providing the exact map.

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