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Season 11 Wipe Announcement

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Ahoy Pathfinders!

We have some important news to share regarding our official servers. As most of you are likely aware, our current season has seen some particularly rough waters. Some unintended features were unfortunately introduced that had an extremely negative impact on the game before they could be disabled. In response to this, we’ve made the difficult decision to wipe both the official PvP and PvE servers to provide everyone with an even playing field. We understand that this is not the direction we all expected this season to go and would like to sincerely apologize to our community as we take measures to improve the ATLAS experience.

We hope you’ll continue the journey with us as we make our way closer to exiting early access. Thank you for your support and happy sailing!

On a lighter note, here’s a sneak peek at a fun new feature coming in our next patch!

:anchor: Upcoming Wipe :anchor:

 The final day of the current season will be Wednesday November 30th when we will be wiping both official servers for a fresh start. Servers are expected to go down around 7AM PST and should be back up around 7PM PST. Unofficial servers are not expected to need to wipe at this time. 

:anchor: Server Changes :anchor:

With your patience and understanding, we’d like to take this new season as an opportunity to bring some adjustments to our official servers so we can better prepare for some major changes coming to ATLAS gameplay in the future. We need more servers to thoroughly test what we have in store, so we are temporarily downsizing our official servers. We understand this change is not going to be looked favorably upon by the entire community, so please keep in mind this is only temporary for this season! For more details about this experimental phase, please see a preview of the server changes below. More details will be provided as we get closer to our wipe date.

PvP Servers:

  • The PvP server will be split into 10 different 3x3 servers. 
  • Will be a mix of NA and EU servers.
  • There will be no regions or portals.
  • Claim type: will be a mix of claimable islands, claimable lawless, and unclaimable lawless.
  • Quest content (Power Stones etc.) will not be available.
  • Boosted rates.

PvE Server:

  • The PvE server will be reduced in size to a 6x6. 
  • Will be EU.
  • There will be no regions or portals.
  • All grids will be unclaimable lawless.
  • All quest content will be available.

:anchor: Final Note :anchor:

Again, we would like to emphasize that ATLAS is still in Early Access, meaning many things can and will likely continue to drastically change - even in the middle of development. Anything discussed is only up to date as of the moment it is posted. Features and changes that ultimately make it to the next patch, as well as timing, may be different from what was previously discussed. 

As always, we appreciate the suggestions and feedback from the community. Please keep them coming! Thank you for all of your support! 🙂




Happy Sailing,

- ATLAS Crew

:skull: For the latest dispatch on #playATLAS keep yer one good eye trained on this here information :skull:

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It's nice that tickets are no longer marked as "solved" when opened, but will they actually be addressed with valid responses that are not pre-scripted? Why do you have an appeal option if you are "unable to reverse any bans in game at this time”?

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I could play the game if I wasn't banned for no reason. And so your ARK reskin doesn't bother me anymore.


Edited by Mr.Smith
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PvP Servers:

  • The PvP server will be split into 10 different 3x3 servers. 
  • Will be a mix of NA and EU servers.
  • There will be no regions or portals.
  • Claim type: will be a mix of claimable islands, claimable lawless, and unclaimable lawless.
  • Quest content (Power Stones etc.) will not be available.
  • Boosted rates.

you must have F'd something up really bad......wtg Grapeshot!

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In PvE warehouse's are going to be a nightmare, you should strongly consider reducing the distance automation buildings can be placed to each other. Otherwise, If you don't have a warehouse day one you probably will be manually farming for the remainder of the season.  Limiting the number of warehouses per company may be a help as well.

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You have banned half of the community unfairly, the damage from the mortars has killed the pvp land, you put me a cow pulling a cart and you say that a new season on a reduced map you are laughing at the community and as they have said there are only players left crybabies hugging a mortar and cheaters playing with secondary accounts. You only have to listen to the people who have played the 10 season and they can advise you, most of them are unfairly banned, start to solve that, for example.


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baahahahaha, now unban everyone and give them a debuff for the season, like "i've cheated in an alpha early access game"

you must be pissed man haha

Edited by photek
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build your character and get some docks down just so it can be wiped and do it all over again lol.  maybe fix the bugs before you release it so we dont have to wipe over and over. this season was just sad.  loads of bugs in this game. i love atlas but this is bs.  stop making it easy for people too cheat so you dont have to kick half the players lmao

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Really funny how this is still a early access game even though it seems like you killed your whole player base already...   Came back to try it again and now I'm seeing you won't be able to do the quests on PvP?  what the heck is that about.  


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put down a few docks just in time to do it all over again.  they clearly dont ready any of  these comments lol, no wonder no one knows what this game is, who wants to talk about shitty games lol

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Are you realy want to kill the game DEV's?

10 different servers 3x3 that  stand alone so can's travel to other regions?


i think you gonna lose lot off players out of your player base.

sad to see this happen 😧


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So I come back to see how things are and noticed nothing has changed, still making the same f**k ups. You would think they would learn after the first few times but the amount of mistakes is unbelievable. 

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There are so many bugs in this game its often hard to know if what your doing is a feature or a bug that that could get your account banned.  The total lack of published detailed information on the game features both aggravates this and puts new players wanting to learn to play Atlas at a huge disadvantage.

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On 11/25/2022 at 8:52 PM, Jim said:

There are so many bugs in this game its often hard to know if what your doing is a feature or a bug that that could get your account banned.  The total lack of published detailed information on the game features both aggravates this and puts new players wanting to learn to play Atlas at a huge disadvantage.


devs threat it as a released supported game, but it is far from that


i give up at this point.

if you add content then complete (industrial wonder favelas upgrades) or keep it, do not waste my and others time if you say you add something and then it is incomplete. still waiting for a ship rehaul aswell. balance "pass" aswell, still, and many other things you said like factions and such. and you wanted to release at the end of the year. so much missing in the game and so much to do

i rly hope for you ue5 will benefit the game. we will see.

Edited by photek

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I just settled the PVE Server a week ago to try some "new" stuff and looking what will happen to the game after released "new" road map and announced finalization of the game. What could have been an amazing end to the early access of this great game turns out to be catched by the truth i know for several years. RIP Atlas. I am so glad i joined in Season 3(and found a bounch of Xbox players that had a blast about this game[even they expirienced 2 minutes lag all time]) and left Season 4/5 after I had a realy great time in this game.

Exploring this big Season 3 map learning the biomes/regions/resources and mechanics... joining a big Season 4 company to learn the crap of exploits and bugs in PvP until my health got worse of trying to protect the build stuff. An amazing 2,5k hours journey that ends now with the 4th time of uninstall.

@Devs: I appreciate your work and that you got active again(with a new team) but you can't fix the mess of the past 4 years ... the mess of a copied game(from Ark) and a lot of broken code. We, who played and enyoid this game very much knew this day will come. We placed our hopes in a different ending of this story, we submitted our ideas to make it become a success... but here is the final end.


for those who remain on PVE: You may need to consider to team up now and join companies. There is no way left to play for your own. I am some how even glad i joined this game invited by 2 friends striaght on PvP just to be forced to team up and build up groups, even it was some times the enemy that was destroyed before. Yes the community is toxic as hell but some times you really meet nice guys/girls around there. Well starting on PvP i would say i got wiped 4 times with my company until we managed to claim some land for more than 2-3 weeks but the learning and expirience was great. Ah so many good memories about this game... it's a shame.

Edited by Nacona

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