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Jack Shandy

Tame Travel Cages

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Since the crew vanishing bug I've been knocking around on a cog collecting discoveries and maps, easy enough to do without any crew to loose, with only one sail.

but it has meant going through a lot of zones and my bear has fallen off the boat a half dozen times now, it's not so bad in calm weather, but entering a zone with a storm and cyclones or SoD's nearby makes picking them up hassle that I'm sure is not meant to be a feature in this game.

The last time I was traveling slowly along a transition line looking for it I was wishing the bear could be as secure on deck as the water barrel on the back of my boat, and realised it could be as there already is a way to store creatures in objects, 'tame house', Pegasus module.

So how about a cage, more fitting than a small thatch stable that can hold dozens of huge creatures, 3 sizes would be suitable small 'shoulder pet', medium 'horse or bear', large 'elephant, and make it only hold 1.

I'm not sure if I'm being too realistic for a computer game, and wanting to worry about the logistics of scale when transporting animals, or doing it in a not immersive breaking way, either tame bugging off the boat or cramming a half dozen giraffes into a shed too small for a horse.

Any thoughts or revisions to this idea welcome. 

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